Volume 2 Chapter 1: Inconvenience

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Previously: The next day: Natsuo Todoroki came by the school on his motorcycle to pick up Shoto and Izumi. She waved goodbye to Aizawa and had her casual clothes on. He sighed softly and headed back towards campus to speak with Nezu about all the information she gave him yesterday about the league.

A/N~ Makeup to hide her pale white skin and deep purple burned skin. Black beanie covering up their dyed hair. Black Aviator goggles with hints of gold. Navy blue with hints of gold winter scarf around her neck, winter coat, gloves, long sleeve shirt, baggy insulated pants tucked into thigh-high black boots with white fur and black buttons. A special watch to monitor their vitals and location. (Water & Fireproof)

They went out to eat and hang out but in the middle of their meal the restaurant to celebrate her 19th birthday. But it was attacked by a group of thugs. She shielded her two brothers, Shoto didn't get his license so it's all up to her.

Pyro-Frost: "Stay away from my family!" She created an ice barrier but they broke through and wrapped her up with electric thorn whips. She took in the piano and screamed,"Run away! Shoto and Nats..." She couldn't finish because of them throwing her through the restaurant's glass window into the street. She rolled in the ground and slid on the concrete until her body stopped rolling. She groaned deeply in pain as glass shards sticking out of her skin. She pulled them out and pushed herself up again. She stood there bleeding heavily from all over. "You really don't want to mess with me." She said, coldly. They just laughed at her and walked towards her leaving her family alone.

She screamed out as she was consumed by purple fire, she froze it and created hardened fire armor. She cracked her knuckles grinning with excitement. "Come at me then, criminal scum!"

She stood there getting low to the ground and holding out her hands producing fire. They dashed towards her but she changed the fire into long swords and then hardened the fire. She sliced the first thug cutting through the vines. He coughed out blood and collapsed to the ground. She threw the two swords at the second he punched through them and she leaped through the air and he went to punch her face but she kicked him in the jaw with icy power. He got frozen solid and then shattered into tiny pieces. She landed gracefully and smiled genuinely but then got whipped into the restaurant wall. She landed on a table and broke it. "What just happened?" She looked up to see a bird creature growling and drooling. She went to move but blue fire came towards her from behind. She dodged it and jumped out the window into the street. "Dabi!?" He laughed sadistically at her confusion. "I'm here to kill you. The traitor of the league. The worthless sister that loves heroes more than family." She stood there breathing heavily,"Damn you, Dabi! That's not what happened and you know that!" He shook his head,"I don't care about you or Shoto. You are all dead to me. Prepare for death!" She stood there and he sent his flames towards her at full force. She held outright hand,"You are no match for me." She froze his flames within an instant. He scoffed irritated," Tch, Nomu kill her." The bird creature screeched out loud and sprinted towards her with the intent to kill her. Dabi disappeared into the darkness.

The Nomu went to punch her but she blocked just in time. She slid back towards the shops with people in them.

Izumi wiped her nose as blood dripped. She exhaled slowly and went to move her right arm but it was completely frosted over. The hardened fire that was stopping the blood from leaking was now all broken and gone. She burned up the ice and then stumbled backward becoming tired from heat exhaustion. "Tch...if only I wasn't near people."  The creature hit her with its spiky long tail, she froze part of it and it shattered. She stood her ground bleeding even more than before.  Its tail regrew almost instantly. "Damn." She gripped onto her chest tightly. "I can't let this Nomu hurt anyone else." She gestured her right hand upward and half the street got frozen. The Nomu dodged the attack and hit her in the air with its sharp tail. She coughed out more blood and just before she started to fall back down the Nomu leaped into the air and landed on her on top of a building's rooftop. She heard her bones breaking upon impact. It punched her face once and then repeated the process over and over again until she was covered with her own blood. It grabbed her face and started to squeeze. But she was still breathing somehow, she reached up weakly and grabbed its big wrist. "Get off of me!" She screamed out desperately until her voice broke. Its entire body froze over from the inside out. She dug her nails into his frozen wrist. It started to crack. She was losing consciousness. But the tail wasn't frozen and was just about to impale itself with her...

A few red feathers flew through the air and pierced the tail down. "Hey there, do you need any help?" She looked over to see a familiar face she's seen on tv. "Yes, please." He saluted to her and decapitated the frozen Nomu. It shattered into big pieces of frozen flesh. She tried to move but nothing wouldn't respond. She scooped her up and smirked slightly. "What's your name, young lady?" She looked at him weakly,"Izumi Todoroki." His eyes widened slightly at her last name. "You are Endeavor's daughter?" She nodded her head reluctantly. He flew even faster than before,"Hold on, I'll make sure you won't die." She reached out her hand and grabbed his jacket," Dabi got away..." Her hand became limp and she closed her eyes. He went his max speed,"Don't die, Mrs. Todoroki!"

To be continued...

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