Volume 2 Chapter 9: Going Plus Ultra!

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Previously: Nighteye agency and a few others got together and set a time to raid the location of the Yakuza.  But when they got there only a few members of the Yakuza and a few people from the league of villains were there already geared up for a fight.

Everyone: "How did they know?"

Izumi & Hawk's Thoughts: "There's a traitor among us?"

Izumi saw Overhaul and he scoffed annoyed. "What are you doing here?" She ran after him. Fat Gum and Kirishima blocked Rappa's deadly punch directed at Izumi. Hawks and Endeavor faced off against Dabi & Surge and 5 very strong Nomu's. The rest of the pros there faced off against the lower-ranked yakuza members.

Izumi vs Overhaul: Spikes of concrete went towards her from all sides. But she countered his attack with her own ice spikes and wall to stop the remaining spikes from reaching her. He scoffed irritated and stood there a few feet away. "Is this is how you treat your savior?" She glared at him and scoffed disgustedly. "I would have rather served you instead of Stain any day. He tortured me, he ruined me!" His eyes widened and then he started laughing at her amused. "So what? You lived that's all that matters." "No, you're wrong. I'm no longer alive inside. I'm an empty shell of a human being." She walked towards him casually but her eyes were glowing brightly as if they burning full of rage. He slapped the ground but as soon as they all got within a few inches from her, they all incinerated into black ash. He walked backward in hesitation,"What are you, some kind of monster?" She grinned sadistically,"Maybe, but I have to thank you for making me this way. Your downfall was saving me that night." He sent everything at her in a mile radius. Metal, concrete, wood, etc. She stopped walking and kept smiling sadistically. Her hands started to glow bright Gold. She crossed her arms in an X and just as the materials were Inches away from her. She created a Golden bubble around her. Everything melted upon impact and turned into boiling liquid on the ground around the strange Golden bubble. She walked forward, froze it, and then shattered into tiny shards of obsidian. He was breathing heavily all while she was untouched and grinning creepily at him. "What did you just...?" She skated towards him at immense speeds giving him no time to speak or think. She kicked him into the air, he coughed out blood. She burned through the soles of her shoes and propelled herself up into the air with her Golden Lava. The third quirk requires her to be fueled with rage. His eyes widened at her superhuman speed, he was paralyzed with fear and shock. She charged up a punch and screamed out,"DIE!" Her fist shattered upon impact due to her body being genetically fragile. He spun around several times and flew into the building wall to his hideout. She exhaled slowly and fell back down to the ground. She looked up and saw a metal pole heading towards her face....


Fatgum & Kirishima vs Rappa: Rappa lost Kirishima regained his confidence and pushed past his self-doubt and confidence issues. Fat Gum shrunk down to a slimmer build.

Hawks & Endeavor vs Dabi, Chrono, Surge & 5 Nomu's: Hawks used up all of his feathers, Endeavor got a huge scar in his left eye. He killed 2 of the Nomu's. Miro & Tamaki fought and won against 1 of the Nomu's. Ryukyu & Eraserhead took out 1 together. Nejire, Uravity, and Froggy took care of the 5th Nomu. Surge didn't show his face but Uravity and Froggy recognized his haircut and eyes. He was their former classmate and friend Denki Kaminari.

Surge, Dabi, Chrono, and a few more were cut off by the police, and a few more pro heroes to provide backup. They were arrested and escorted to temporary jail until they can be transferred to prison.

A metal pole landed next to Hawks and then Izumi flew towards the pole. Hawks caught her before she was impaled. She looked up at him,"Get out of here, before..." Overhaul leaped on top of the building and screeched something horrible. He was a giant creature with wings made out of bone and metal.

He rained down hundreds of metallic poles and spears. She got of Hawks' arms and threw up both of her hands. A giant wave of cyan ice blocked the poles and spears from hitting anyone. "Get out of here! Whoever can't fight, run!" Eraserhead stood up weakly, Ryukyu helped escort the wounded with her intern students. Endeavor tried to move but collapsed to the ground breathing heavily. Izumi exhaled slowly and held out her right hand. It started to glow bright purple. She made a finger gun with her right hand and gestured as if she shot something. A few seconds went by and the entire wave of ice and half of overhaul incinerated almost instantly. Eraser, Hawks, Endeavor, and a few more went into shock in unison, their eyes widened and their jaws dropped down to the ground. Overhaul regrew his body and sent more spears of metal, but they were bigger than before. She looked around and panicked about the bystanders. "Everyone hit the deck!" They all do as she says and a huge wave of molten lava flew over their heads and slowly created a barrier around them. She threw her right hand up and froze the huge barrier with holes on the sides so they could breathe. She got hit the shoulder and hit the ground groaning in pain. She was stuck to the ground, she grabbed the pole and melted it into nothing but liquid metal. She stood up and leaped into the air towards Overhaul. "Just Go... DOWN ALREADY!" She got cut up but she propelled herself forward with fire and lava. She kicked him in the chest sending him flying into the air. She created a lava spear and grabbed onto it tightly with her left hand. His eyes widened as he fell back down, she was screaming out as she fell down and charged up her throw. "PLUS ULTRA!" Her spear hit his creature's chest and everything incinerated almost instantly. She blinked and saw him back to normal and falling backward. She dived down and wrapped her arms around his neck,"I'll return the favor for you saving me. And make sure you won't die from this fall." He heard her words mid-fall,"Thank you..." He passed out. She saw her barrier slowly disappear, she panicked because that means her body is about to pass out. She used her ice quirk to slide back down to the ground but her quirk stopped halfway. She was falling towards the ground too fast. Then suddenly a familiar face caught her mid-air,"Urakaka... & Asui?" She passed out for a few seconds and woke up to see everyone panicking about her bleeding out. She closed her eyes and when she reopened them she was being rushed to surgery in the hospital. "Hold on, Izu!" Mr. Aizawa shouted worried. "Izumi, you will be in good hands!" Hawks said, on the brink of tears. She reached out towards Mr. Aizawa,"Aiz...Eri, save her." Her arm became limp and her breath became shallow. They were stopped from entering the surgery room. Hawks looked into Aizawa's eyes worried. They both stood there in silence and unable to speak.

Endeavor, Kirishima, Fat Gum, Tamaki, Miro, and a few more were hospitalized. Thanks to Pyro-Frost & Endeavor's efforts no one was severely injured except for them.

To be continued...

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