chapter 12

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(The whole crew)

3rd POV:
Yona was embarassed, she didn't know what to say, she was really exhausted, and she didn't want to go to the hospital, she was wishing for one thing, if her health wasn't what'll cause her death, she just wanted these guys to kill her the quickest way possible

They took her inside the mansion, if we don't call it a castle, she thought. She started drifting more and more to 'sleep', she didn't notice much anymore

"Who's this?" Asked Taeil eyeing the girl walking with the help of Doyoung

"Tell you later hyung, for now please help her, she isn't doing well"

They took her to the nursery, and laid her down on a bed, way softer than the one in her appartement

"Ugh, death... you're so mean to me" muttered Yona
"Why do you want to die?" Asked Ten
"Why would I live?" Asked Yona back, everybody just kept staring at her, as Taeil pocked a needle into her skin, she hissed like a little child

"That was cute" thought Lucas

"You aint dying as long as I'm here" said Taeil as he kept doing things around her
"Even death hates me so much..." she then closed her eyes and travelled to dreamland

Taeil couldn't really figure out what was wrong with her, but he knew for sure that it has to do with what she eats, he then left her and went to the living room where the 3 boys were sitting
"Who is that?" Asked Taeil

Ten told him the very long story except for the maknaes being her classmates part

"Wait, you're telling me you brought a random girl home, what if that was some trap? What if she works for someone?" Asked Taeil furious

"She's clean I've done some researches about her, she really is clean, I know all she does during the day, she doesn't work for any mafia" said Ten attempting to calm his oldest brother

"She's still out?" Asked Lucas
Taeil nodded in response

"To be honest, she really is sick, she needs a doctor's apppointement as soon as possible, she needs to run some tests, contact her family, they must know..."
"She doesn't have a family, she lives alone" said Ten
Doyoung turned towards him with a confused look
"A 17 year old living alone? Where are her parents then? Abandonned her?"
"No, they died in a fire, back when she was 12 i guess"
"Wait, what happened to her during the past few years then" asked Lucas
"I don't know, maybe she lives with someone who takes care of her" said Ten

"Ama go check on her, Doyoung can you please make a sweet juice for her" asked Taeil as he stood up ready to leave
"Why me? Ugh whatever"

~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Half an hour later, Taeil came to the living room with a very pale looking girl behind him, Doyoung didn't trust her at all, but his gaze softened when he saw that she was shaking, he thought that she was cold, but that is impossible with the big jacket that she's wearing, is she scared? He didn't think so either, what was wrong with her?
Ten who was staring at his phone noticed the two walking in, he asked Yona to take a seat.

"Do you know why you're coughing blood?" Asked Lucas
She raised her eyebrows, just like if she was saying a 'duh'

"Did you go to see a doctor?" Asked Taeil
"Why do you care?" Asked Yona in a very calm way
"We don't, don't get it wrong" said doyoung
"Exactly what I thought, now can I leave?" She asked with a blank face

"It's not like-" Lucas's sentence got cut by some very loud noises as two figures came into the living room, then an other two, then MANY others, but they all stopped at the sight of the girl, Yona gulped, she was really stressed, she could feel that she's in huge trouble.

"Who is that?" Asked an unfamiliar voice
"The black fire's situation girl" said Lucas, Ten gave him a deadly glare that he chose to ignore

"Mind telling me why she's here and not in one of the special rooms?" Said one of them with a smirk, Yona got chills just by hearing his last words, she didn't know what the special rooms are, but he knew that she didn't want to know
"Wait" said a voice, a pretty familiar one
"Yona?" Asked Yangyang shoked, Jeno, then Haechan, Jisung, Renjun and chenle silently gasped, Haechan shot Ten a glare

"You promised you wouldnt snitch!" Said chenle angrily
"Yah i didn't snitch!" Said Ten
Yona sighed and finally turned to face all the boys, then her eyes fell on an other familiar face

"Jaemin? Yuta?" She said frowning, she was extremely confused
"Wait! Yona?? Yona is Yona?" Asked Jaemin, he then gave her a cold look void of any emotion
"So you know all of us huh?"

Yona looked at the source of the voice, her eyes widened in shock as she saw Jaehyun and Mark in front of her, her head started spinning again, she wanted to go die in her house, not here.

Taeil knew that she isn't in the situation to be taking all this pressure, as much as he didn't like her nor trust her, he knew she was already in pain
"Take her to the cabine, I mean 127s, the others do what you gotta do" said Taeyong with a stern look
Ten was about to say something when Taeil gave him a sign to stay quiet. He looked at Yona, she wasn't scared, she looked empty, which really impressed him, but still he couldn't help but feel bad.

Yona followed Doyoung to a room downstairs, It was an interrogation room, Doyoung cuffed her hands to the table, her wrists were so rhin she almost could get them out of the handcuffs, well she could but they didn't know that so... It's not like she can run away anyway

There was a big Window inside that small white room, she knew that people were watching what's happening from the other side of the window, Taeyong then went inside the room making sure to close it after him

"Whats your name?" He asked
"I bet you already know it"
"Don't play smart just-"
"Kim Yona"
"A Kim, i see"
"So what mafia do you work for, a small girl like you doing this, aren't you scared of what can happen to your family, they must be really worried about you"
"Ni, they're dead"
Taeyong was taken aback but still managed to hide it, Yona had an expression just as cold as his.
"How did they die?"
"None of your business" she said for the first time looking inti his eyes
On the other side of the room, the guys were surprised by Yona's behavior
"Why do you want to die so bad" murmured Doyoung as he eyed the girl from the window

"Well you had too much to do with our business too" replied Taeyong grithing his teeth

"They were all coïncidence" she simply said, Taeyong raised a brow at her then said "how?"
"The first one i ever met was Yuta, in schook, we just randomly talked, then Jisung and Chenle since they're my classmates, and it was also a coincidence that i overheard that some guys stole someone's necklace, i got it back, and then found out it was Haechan's, that's how i met him and Jeno, at night while i was heading to work i met Mark, he was bleeding..." she stopped talking for a moment and tried to catch her breath, she had issues breathing since her family's accident, but she didn't have an attack for too long, and she couldn't have it now, she thought.

"...Then Jaehyun came and i got their names, after that i met Jaemin at..." she stopped again, that was her secret, she won't say it

"Somewhere. Later at the restaurant i met Ten, Tenjun and the 2 others, i bet you already know the story, and as miraculous as it may seem, i met Ten and the two guys today" she finished, her breathing wasn't back to normal yet, but she managed to look unfazed
"So you don't kniw who the rest are?"
She just shook her head
"WORDS!" yelled Taeyong
He scared her, because he caught her off gard, she was used to being yelled at
"No" she replied calmly
"You're such a liar Yona, and you know what we do with liars? We kill them"


Hello loves, I'm really sorry i don't update much, i have many exams and I'm trying to focus on my studies, please don't hesitate to comment your thoughts about what's gonna happen or whatever you wany,

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