Chapter 46

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(The island)

Most people would think She's dumb, like... she had found forgotten credit cards tossed around the house, she had seen how spoiled they were, she had been to the very expensive places they own, so why is she getting shocked at the fact that they own a private island? like, isn't that pretty expected?

Yona was having a lot of fun to say the least, she was taken by an old woman called Fei to have an island tour. Yona liked the place so much, the only thing that troubled her was the sea, which she wasn't really fond of, don't get her wrong, she is a good swimmer, but she can't help but feel anxious whenever it came to swimming in it, she liked it more during the night, because it was all black, and so she couldn't see how wide and deeply scary it was.

when she was back in the big beach villa, Yona was face to face with a pouty Haechan

"What's up with that face?" asked Yona
"why do you get the biggest and best room?" he asked doing aegyo
"he was the one who suggested you should take this room tho" said Mark popping a slice of watermelon in his mouth, smiling sheepishly at Haechan
"Yah! she wasn't supposed to know that!"yelled Haechan, she hugged haechan fondly giving him s kiss on the cheek

Yona opened the door of the room, she saw a very beautiful view ahead of her, the king sized bed was hanging from the sealing, the room decoration was very blue, enough to make you imagine yourself in an island right away, yona was really happy with the room, she was again very impressed by how her brothers could make every place fancily fun.

"Yo Yona! Get ready we're gonna go swimming!" Said Johnny as he peeked through the door, he was already half naked, having only his swimming shorts on

"Um, can we use the pool instead? I don't like swimming at the beach like you know... in the sea, the water's too salty"

Johnny took a moment to analyze her statement, feeling a little unsatisfied with the reason she gave, but could he ever say no to her?
"Whatever you want butterfly, let me tell the guys"

Yona heard whines outside her room, she hurriedly wore the transparent skirt over her bikinis, letting her wavy hair fall on her shoulders, she went outside.

"If you wanna swim in the beach then let's just do that, it's fine" she said with a cheerful smile, but the olders could see right through her, and so they shook their heads

"No, we're heading to the pools, that's what the dreamies want too" said Ten
Yona smiled, she knew that the dreamies were aware of her discomfort with swimming in the beach, that's probably why they chose the pools

Yona went to the back of the house where the big pools were situated, at the sight of her, shotaro and sungchan threw small smiles at each other, she was wearing a bikini, she's gonna swim.

After the incident that happened to her, Yona avoided anything that could lead to showing her body, that changed with time, but she still hated swimming, she would always turn the boys down whenever they invited her to swim in the pool with them back at the house.

Well, it's not weird if someone feels too exposed in a bikini, it's pretty understandable actually, but Yona was a different case, she used to love taking bikini pics and so on, so seeing her lose that confidence made the boys worry.

Or to be more precise, they were worried that she was feeling uncomfortable because they were there. They were scared that she didn't feel safe around them anymore.

Doyoung rushed to her, gently spinning her
"My daughter has all grown up" he cried out
"We've known each other for like 8 months" she laughed
"You've grown up and that's final" said Jaehyun

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