Chapter 43

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(It wasn't you?)

"Yona It's not time for you to-"

"No, stop, tell me who were you talking about earlier, you've been hiding enough things from me"she protested

"To explain that, we have to start a long story and-"

"we got all the Time in our hands, you don't seem like you're gonna catch that guy anytime soon anyway" said Yona leaning on the wall

"no Yona, this is gang business, and you are staying far away from that" said Taeyong in an attempt to intimidate her, keyword: attempt

"how am I going to stay away from that gang shit if I live with a mafia?" Tsked Yona

"we're trying to keep you out of it!" Barked Taeyong, failing to hide the offense in his voice

"I know you are! but it's about time I get my answers, didn't you tell me not to hide things from you? then that works both ways"

"no is no, you're wasting our time"

"just tell me! me knowing whatever you're hiding will not harm me, staying in the dark will"

"I'll tell her" said Renjun
"what? no!"

"I am telling her goddamnit, the situation is getting out of hand, her being ignorant to all of this would only put her in danger" said Renjun in a stern voice, and of course nobody dared to talk back nor object, and so he took her hand and brought her to the soundproof kind of living room, the others soon coming in and taking their seats

Yona almost regretted asking them when she was face-to-face with a very heavy tension and deadly silence, almost, just almost...

"go ahead I'll answer all your questions" said Renjun as he plopped down on one of the high chairs

"who are you looking for?" Asked Yona, she had a hundred of questions running in her mind, but she chose them carefully, she had a strategy actually; number one, start with the most expected questions-

"a man that we captured recently, he got to escape and we can't find any trace of him" Taeyong snorted at his statement, urning few glares from the other boys around him

"what do you need that man for?" -Number two, another expected question, keeping it basic is the key to all answers-

"that man could lead us to a guy that we spent years looking for" replied Renjun

"were you really strangers?" And number three-

"Hm?" Renjun squinted his eyes, in attempt to understand her question

"you guys, did Mr. Lee really find you in an orphanage?" -ask a fucked up question out of no fucking where and get ur not-really-sorry ass whooped, even if such questions were kinda risky, Yona loved these the most

"I-Uh, all right, well let me start where it all happened, we are, I mean we were, all kind of related, our parents were friends since their high school days, most of our parents were. And father, I mean the Lee Minho we told you about, he was a good friend of our parents too. As kids we used to meet in that one big house that Taeil's father owned, we used to play together, we were basically raised together. Our parents were in the mafia work together, of course huge drug deals also weapons and stuff...
everything was fine until that day, I remember being left with the boys in the safe house with Jaemin's mom, she was the only one in the group who had nothing to do with the gang, since our parents had this stupid rule of not dating anyone who was outside of the mafia, of course Jaemin's mother was an exception, and we were too young to get to know how she ended up with his father...
I remember her talking on the phone, something about Mini been kidnapped, and that the situation was serious and they all had to go get her, we never thought that, that exact same day, was the last time we would ever see our parents again" explained Renjun, face scrunching in sadness

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