Chapter 30-A Reality Check

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Arabella and the crew arrive back at the port they originally left from. The ship slowly floats to the port as Adrian and Aiden begin tying it down to the large wooden pole. Egore lowers the ramp that connects the ship to the ground.
The young Queen makes her way down the ramp and steps onto the dirt ground for the first time in what feels like forever. She takes a deep breath and smiles at the familiar environment. Even though she did not obtain her precious sword- Arabella is still glad she got to go on such a journey despite the dram that took place.
   The port is just as busy as it was when they left with the road filled with people walking around. Arabella slowly walks further into the port as the other follows behind. Captain Kraton takes off his hat and smiles at the view of the people.
   "I see you are happy to be on familiar land Arabella," Captain Kraton says as he approaches Arabella with a smile. Arabella turns to Captain Kraton with a smile.
   "Yes, I am very happy. As much as I enjoyed being on the sea, this is where I feel the most comfortable,"
"Well, I am glad you are happy. Now that we are back I am considering our business to be complete. However, if you need us again you can find us at this port. Assuming that we are not helping someone else," Captain Kraton says while looking out at the crowd. Arabella knows it is time for them to part ways for now.
"After I concur the world, I will return," She whispers to him. The Captain gives her a simple nod.
Arabella turns away from him and walks down the street. She looks around at the people who are standing in small groups talking amongst each other. Her hands instantly move to pull the hood over her head to further conceal her identity.
As she gets closer to the edge of the port, Arabella notices a familiar-looking bearded man in the distance.
"Arabella!" The man-who Arabella realizes is his loyal servant Severus- calls her name as he runs to her. Arabella continues to keep the same walking pace as she does not feel the need to hurry.
"Arabella you need to come into the carriage immediately! Your actions have caused bigger problems than you could ever imagine. You are lucky no one has spotted you!" He shouts even louder just before he reaches Arabella.
"Well if you continue to shout someone will notice me and what the hell are you talking about Severus?" Arabella tilts her head to the side as she questions his attitude.
"Come, we shall discuss this on the way back," Severus's voice softens as he opens the carriage door for his Queen. He climbs into the carriage and sits across from Arabella. The guard in front of the carriage moves his whip to force the horses to move. The horse begins to slowly move the carriage away from the port.
"Arabella, you were seen boarding a ship that is run by dirty pirates," Severus says after letting out an awkward sigh. This statement angers Arabella.
"They are not dirty pirates, and who noticed me?" Her voice is tough and filled with anger.
"Arabella you have to understand that we have eyes and ears everywhere for the safety of our kingdom. The pirates you were seen with have been confirmed to be dirty pirates. Captain Kraton's crews are all thieves and criminals,"
"How do you know the Captain's name?!" Arabella clenches her fist as she nearly stands up in the carriage. Severus backs up slightly as if he is cowering away.
"My Queen, Captain Kraton did a job for King Dietrich. After he completed the job he stole new revolutionary weapons that were meant to stay hidden. Those weapons are were seen being brought onto his ship just before you boarded it," Severus keeps his hands together while keeping his tone strick.
"So what if I was seen boarding their ship? I had nothing to do with their act of theft!"
   "The point is that you were there with them and as a Queen that is reckless,"
    "Oh really? Then why did you let me do leave the castle after I was crowned Queen then dear Severus?" Arabella clenches her fists hard as she speaks. Now she is becoming angered. Severus does not change his facial expression when addressing his Queen.
"I did not stop you because I was not allowed to do so given your royal status. But now that political problems are going on it is up to me to take action which is what I have been doing. King Dietrich is sending out an informant to help clean up this mess. I suggest that we allow this informant to speak his mind so we may stop a potential war," Arabella slowly moves her body away from him and pauses for a moment. A war? Could it be that serious?
   "I did not realize that my action would have led to this moment. How do I prevent an attack on our kingdom?" Arabella knows she must solve this problem before it gets worse.
    "Well, the informant's job is simply to listen to hear your reasoning for boarding the ship and then somehow come up with a way to rid King Dietrich of his anger. I do not have any answers for I have not met the man yet," Severus leans his back against the wall and rubs through his thick beard. Arabella sighs quietly as she looks down at the floor.
"Arabella, I looked through your mothers' notes that you left out on your desk. I know you were looking for that sword. You will never find it. Your mother spent years looking at it and found nothing. How do you hope on finding such an object?"
"I can find it because I am not my mother. I will use every resource available to me to find this sword," Severus chuckles at his Queens response. Arabella squints at him. She wonders just what he is up with his odd attitude. That is not important at the moment for King Dietrich's anger must be calmed before it is too late.
   The ride back to the kingdom was quiet and awkward for Arabella's liking. Severus still sat across from Arabella as he looks out the window. Arabella looks out of her windows taking notice of the wildlife that exists all around them. The natural world is a beautiful place to look at when not dealing with politics.
Mid-day arrives as Arabella and Severus arrive at their kingdom with ease. The carriage pulls into a special small barn that is exclusive to Arabella's family. Both Severus and Arabella exit the carriage and make their way into the castle. The two of them are intercepted by Arabella's servants to which she dismisses imminently.
   Severus opens the door for Arabella that leads to her office room. Arabella quickly makes her way to the desk and sits down before letting out a long sigh.
"So, let us talk about this informant that King Dietrich is sending. Do you know when he is supposed to be here?" She sits back in her chair and looks up at Severus.
"He should be arriving about this time tomorrow if all goes well," Severus answers as he slowly sits down on the other side of the desk.
    "So, why exactly is King Dietrich upset that I boarded Captain Kraton's ship? I did not know that the guns were there nor did it plan on taking any once I returned,"
   "He did say that he believes you were trying to get the guns for your means. I told him that idea was preposterous but he has refused to listen to me,"
"So then why does the King just come here himself to clear up this situation? Why send a man of lower status to deal with the problem?" Arabella leans back in her chair. Severus cocks his head at her statement as if he was offended by it.
"With all due respect, he does have his kingdom to run. He is still trying to keep the peace between him and his neighboring kingdoms" He pulls out a map with all of the Kingdoms on them.
"The situation is getting worse. The tension between each of the Kingdoms is growing at a fast rate. A World War is coming and it may be here sooner than we think. That means that war is coming to us as well," He sits back and sighs at her. War must be averted at all costs no matter what.
"I am sure that I can manage to keep our Kingdom safe from war. I will fulfill my role as a Queen. King Dietrich's informant shall listen to my words," Queen Arabella pulls out a small hardcover book.
   "Perhaps I should brush up on the ways each Kingdom communicates with one another when it comes to politics," She says as she opens the book.
   "I will help you speak to him of course given that I have pretty much been acting as the King. Hopefully, we can put an end to this conflict,"
Arabella takes the time to catch up on her politics as much as it may bore her. He shakes her head as she realizes just how much she had forgotten when it comes to talking with other royal members.
   A knock can be heard from her office door just before Severus walks in. 
    "My Queen, the informant is here. According to the guards his name is Gerald," Severus tells Arabella from the doorway another. Another obstical in Arabella's way. She hopes that this one is small and simple to deal with.

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