Chapter 20

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The sun slowly eliminates the darkness as it climbs its way up through the sky signifying the start of a new day. Today is the day that Arabella will be crowned Queen. This is the most important moment in any princess's life for she will become the most powerful person in her Kingdom.
Arabella sits in front of her bathroom mirror and brushes her hair. These are the last few hours that Arabella will spend her life as a Princess. She puts the hairbrush down and admires herself. Before she had acquired this stone the idea of becoming a Queen had seemed like just a fantasy. Her plan of world domination can begin today. Soon her new servants will be here to prepare her for the ceremony.
Sudden knocks can be heard from the bedroom door taking Arabella off guard. She quickly puts on a robe covering herself up completely.
"Who is it?" Arabella asks as she holds her robe tightly closed.
"Who does it sound like dear princess?" A deep voice calls from behind the door. A small smile forms on Arabella's mouth as she recognizes Severus's voice.
"You may come in. I am in my bathroom," she calls out as she relaxes in her chair and returns to gently brushing her hair. She hears Severus enter the room and slowly make his way to her bathroom.
   "There's the new Queen of this great kingdom, are you nervous?" He crosses his arms in front of his chest as he leans against the doorway with a smile on his face. Arabella looks at him through the mirror and smiles back at him.
   "I am a little nervous but I suppose that I should expect to feel this way. I think I am just nervous about having to deal with the reality of being a Queen," She tells him as she pulls the dress down revealing the stone on her chest.
   "Yeah, your mother was not a fan of the political side of being a Queen. She always told me about how boring it was. I got to see what your parents went through with their royalty as I stood by their side. At least I will be able to help you get settled into your new role. You will have a lot of people to watch over," Severus sighs as he moves a small wooden chair into the corner across from Arabella."
"Yeah, ugh," Arabella rubs her eyes as if she is annoyed or even tired. She is starting to dread the political side of being a Queen. Severus sits in his chair silently and just looks at the ground looking slightly awkward.
"Arabella, I have to ask, was the death of your mother part of your master plan? You did tell me in private that you wanted to eliminate the world leaders so I guessing you had your mother killed," He leans forward in his chair. Arabella's body freezes at his statement. Through their travels, she had nearly forgotten about their secret conversation. She cannot have Severus believing that Arabella had her mother killed just so that she could become Queen. If anyone were to figure out how she arouse to power the people would rebel. She would most likely be executed for her crime. Arabella figures that she must fabricate a lie to protect herself for now and maybe even for the rest of her life.
Arabella looks at Severus with a saddened face, "No, my mother's death is a surprise to me. Her death was not a part of my original plan. I do not believe I could put together such a plan,"
"Your original plan? So what is this new plan that you have created?" His muscles seem to tense as the words leave his mouth.
"My new plan is not to kill the Royal leaders but to get them to join us. Eventually, we will all vote that I should be the only one who rules the world," She looks him through the mirror. Severus jolts his body up into a standing position with his fists balled up.
   "How do you think that will work? Even if you somehow convinced the others to vote you to such a position of power, there is no real reason to do such a thing,? His voice sounds angry yet confused. It is as if frustration is building up within his body.
   "Well Severus, there is an ancient law that states that in a time of desperate need one is to be elected as the one true ruler. A dictator if you will. One with total control over the entire planet," she stands up and faces Severus looking him in the eyes with a serious tone on her face. Severus closes his eyes as he chuckles at her answer.
   "Arabella, there is no way that they would follow that law. That law is meant to be a last resort to save the economy while we are on the verge of a world war things would have to become bad for you to be voted as Dictator. I'm sorry but your chances are just too low. Even if such a vote were to happen then they would most likely choose someone who has been in power for a long time. How do you expect to get voted into Dictatorship?" Severus runs his hand through his hair in frustration.
"I-uh I do not know how I will achieve such a feat, but I will figure something out!" She struggles to come up with a clear answer. Severus's face softens as he puts his hands together slowly.
   "Arabella, while I have been following you as you try to initiate this plan, but I have come to believe that you do not know what you are doing. First, you want to kill all of the royal members then you wanted to find your father and now you want to convince those royal members to vote you as a dictator? With all due respect, I believe you should stop all of this and focus on taking care of your kingdom. With the passing of your mother, your childhood is gone. You will no longer be a little girl, "Arabella could almost Severus's breath with how close he was standing to her. She creates a small fire in the palm of her left hand and slowly moves it towards Severus forcing him to back up. She has no idea that she is even creating the flame.
   Severus continues to back away from her with wide fearful eyes.
   "Severus, you will never tell me how to live my life. I will follow whichever plan I feel like following. You will fulfill your duty to be and not attempt to command me. You will aid me as you are supposed to without questioning my decisions. If you try to oppose me, I may end up hurting you," Arabella ends up having Severus backed up against the wall with her flame now in the shape of a sword away enough from his neck that it can't burn him. Severus's eyes are filled with nothing but fear.
   "Yes Princess Arabella, as you command," Severus speaks with a shaky voice. Arabella smirks at his answer. She extinguishes the fire on her hand. She walks back to her mirror and sits down in the chair and behind brushing her hair again.
Severus takes quiet rapid breathes to try to calm himself down.
  "Now leave me, Severus, I will call you if I need you," She avoids making eye contact with him. Severus bows his head slowly and respectfully to Arabella.
"As you wish, My princess," he says with a low sad voice. He slowly walks away from her and exits her room.
Three hours go by as Arabella is given a spa treatment by her two female servants. They massage her body and wash her hair. Small red pedals cover her bathwater.
The young princess feels completely relaxed and smiles for in one hour she will be wearing a new dress and crowned Queen. After her bath, the two servants take her to a special dressing room where her new dress stays on a mannequin.
The dress is big with jewelry stitched throughout its fabric that flows to the ground as if it's a wedding dress. The corset looks like it will be tight on the Princess as the corsets usually do. Thankfully, once the ceremony is over Arabella can get into a more comfortable outfit. She has never been fond of wearing her royal outfits.
"What do you think about your dress for the ceremony Princess Arabella?"The younger servant asks her. She further examines the design of the dress. It is the most expensive thing she will wear.
   "It is very fancy indeed. I'm sure the people will be very impressed by it," she tells them as she circles the dress slowly. Arabella looks at her two servants.
"Well it is time that you two help get this thing onto me," she commands them. They nod at her and processed to get her fitted into the dress. Arabella struggles to breathe as they tighten the corset on her.
   "Why is this thing so tight on me? It is ridiculous!" The Princess explains as she struggles to keep her hands raised in the air as one of her servants tightens the corset from behind.
   After they get the dress onto her, Arabella's servants walk her to a full-body mirror. She looks like a proper Queen in this dress although it doesn't feel right. She usually would never wear something like this on any other day.
   "You look perfect Princess Arabella. Now we just have to apply your makeup and you will be ready," one of the servants' states. As they grab a box of makeup. They sit her down in front of a mirror and get out the makeup supplies. Her two servants work on applying makeup to her face. Arabella scrunched her face and tries her best to resist the urge to sneeze. The servants stop working on her face and step away slowly with a look of concern.
"My Princess, you look uncomfortable. What is troubling you?" The middle-aged servant asks with a slight shake in her hands. Arabella sighs as a feeling of disappointment flow through her body. This just is not how the Princess is used to dressing. She usually fought with her mother when it came to wearing makeup for formal events. She had always preferred that people see her for who she is and not have her face covered up with fancy chemicals.
"It is just... I never liked the idea of changing the way my face looked in the non-natural matter. The dress is one thing but this is something else.  This is how my people will see my face," she moves her face closer to the mirror taking a closer look at what they have done so far. Her face had been smoothed out with the red on her lips highly exaggerated. Her servants added blush to her cheeks and drew on extra hair to her eyebrows to make them appear thicker. She can barely recognize herself in the mirror.
"I am sorry my Princess, this is a tradition that our Kingdom has followed through each generation of Queens. However, as Queen you may be able to change this tradition," This gets Arabella thinking about what her servant had just said. With the political power of being Queen, Arabella could enforce a law that does not enforce a Queen to wear makeup during a formal event. This brings a smile to her face. She straightened up her back and looks at her reflection with a look of confidence on her face.
"Finish applying the makeup. I do not want to waste any more time," she says. The two servants continue to finish applying the makeup on her face.
  Once the makeup is complete, Arabella is escorted to the Royal room where she will be crowned. In the royal room stands a crowd of two hundred citizens who are either rich or borderline rich. At the royal chair stands the Kingdom's Priest as well as Severus.
Severus is wearing a thick fancy black armored suit that he last wore when Arabella's mother was crowned as Queen.
A feeling of nervousness builds up in her stomach as she approaches the Priest. She had never been seen in such a royal outfit by some of the richest people in her kingdom. She had always avoided the royal gatherings that her mom would go to on special occasions.
   Arabella stands next to the priest with a childish smile on her face. Severus gives her a slight nod as if to comfort her.
   The priest moves gestures his arms to quiet down the crowd.
   "I'm sure that most of you are aware that yesterday morning Queen Patrica was murdered in her bed. Now since our king is still away and the next choice that we have decided to Crown Princess Arabella Isabelle Zandario as Queen," The people in the crowd talk quietly amongst each other in response to the Priests statement.
   "Now I know that this news may come as a surprise to some of you that she will be crowned but there are no other older relatives who can take the role of King or Queen. There is no need to worry for I believe that Arabella will serve her role well," He turns his attention towards the young princess.
"Princess Arabella, I now ask you to kneel in front of the royal chair," He waves his arm towards the front of the chair to which Arabella moves. She adjusts her dress so that she can get down on one knee. Two servants come over with a special box carrying the crown on top of it. They slowly hand the crown to the priest who gently takes it from them. The Priest stands in front of Arabella with the crown in front of his chest.
   "It is now my honor to bestow upon Arabella her new crown and role as Queen!" With that said he slowly places the crown on top of Arabella's head. The crowd claps and cheers at the sight of their new Queen.
Arabella slowly stands up and faces the crowd with a huge smile on her face. She had finally completed the first part of her plan and her people will never know the truth of her mother's death. The new Queen raises her hands to quiet the crowd.
   "My people, I promise to pick up where my mother left off at and continue to work towards the betterment of this kingdom! I promise to continue to keep us safe during these hard times. I am sure I will have a lot of work to do as now as Queen," She walks towards the throne and sits down on the luxurious seat cushion.
"Severus, please escort our guests out of here. I do not wish to waste any more time," She waves her hand at the crowd.
   "Yes, my Queen. Alright everyone the event is over so please leave the castle immediately," Severus slowly moves towards the crowd while pointing at the door. The crowd slowly leaves while talking amongst one another. Severus and the other guards' group together to slowly push the crowd out. Eventually, everyone cleared out except for Severus and her other guards.
"Okay, that is the rest of them. Now then Queen Arabella, it is time that we show you what your mother has been working on before she passed," Severus states to his new Queen. Arabella rises from her hair and stands tall.
   "Very well Severus, show me," She follows him out of the room.

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