Chapter 11:Training for understanding

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Arabella leaves the domains of her castle. She can no longer waste any time if she is to complete her plan. Perhaps it would be wise for her to gain a better understanding of her powers. There is a hidden place that she can train in secret. There is an old small building deep in the woods where she can hideout.

Arabella walks to the barn where her horse stands. She rubs Equidors head and smiles at him.
   "My sweet boy. I need you to take me on another journey. Can you do that for me?" He moves his head closer to her. She knew he was willing to take her on a new journey. She lets him out of his stall and out of the barn. They ride out towards the woods away from the castle grounds. She takes him on a trail that leads to her hiding spot.

After a few hours of travel, they reach their destination. She gets off of Equidor and walks towards the back of the cabin. In the back of the cabin lies a small out-enclosed area with a target board set up. A tall brick wall surrounds the area.
Arabella raises her hand creates a fire in her palm. She points her hand towards the target and launches the fire. The fireball arches downward and hits the ground in front of the target. Arabella finds this odd and wonders if she simply put enough effort into launching the flame. She creates another flame and aims at the target. Arabella concentrates harder and fires the ball again. This time the ball hits the target hard and knocks it off of the wooden pole that was keeping it up.

So it looks as though she can somehow control the range at which the fire travels. For the next several minutes she fires several balls at the target catching it on fire. It appears that she is grasping the idea of how to handle the stone's power. Hopefully, she can do more than just create a fire within her hands. Suddenly a feeling of tiredness flows through Arabella's body.

It seems as though the more power she uses the more worn out she will become. Perhaps she is feeling this way because she is still getting used to her new abilities. Her hands burn hot from her using her powers so much.

She leaves the training area and goes out to the field next to the cabin where Equirdor is. He runs all around the border of the fence before turning to face Arabella. Without even thinking about it his legs bring him to his mother figure. Arabella smiles at him as she rubs his head as lowers it.

"I can tell you are enjoying being away from the castle. We will be here until I have either mastered this stone or I have learned enough to use it efficiently. Soon I will control the entire world, everyone will kneel under my rule and the world will be at the time," Equidor moves his head and turns it to the side looking at her with one eye. Arabella is taken back by this motion of her beloved horse.

"I would hope that you are not against me. I only wish to make the world a better place. One that is not filled with war. A peaceful world for everyone," Before she can reach up to touch him he gallops away from her fast.

The sun dips low below the horizon making the sky slightly illuminated. Arabella strips down to a braw and a shirt that runs down to her thighs. She casts a fire onto the bundle of sticks creating a huge flame. Putting her hands together-Arabella creates a fire in her hands and fires it in front of her. The fire splits into three different spits and each hits its targets. Her left-hand swipes across the air and releases a wave of fire. The stone channels its energy throughout her whole body at a fast pulsing rate. Closing her eyes- the Princess focuses her energy strictly on having it build up in her body. After a few moments, her feet no longer feel the ground as if her body is rising. She opens her eyes to discover that she is floating 5 inches off the ground.

"I can float? I can float! How magnificent, if I can manage to perfect this ability then this will come in handy," She says while managing to raise a few more inches above the ground. Her body slowly lowers back to the ground and everything feels normal again. As soon as the stone stops channeling, a wave of tiredness flows takes over her body. It has been a long day and the sun has gone completely below the horizon. Multiple lit torches keep the area well lit.

Arabella decides that she has had enough practice for the day and decides to call it a day. She puts Equidor into his small stall that sits next to the cabin before retreating into the cabin until the sun comes up again.

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