A is for Arrhythmia

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It took some time for Jay but he was finally on the mend. Dr Reagan or 'Ellie' had been right. The recovery was a hard one, because his appendix had full on ruptured, his appendectomy was a major surgery. It took him a lot longer to recovery than he thought. He was home for weeks before he was even cleared for desk duty. Then he had been on desk duty for weeks because his incisions would still pull and it still had soreness. He's been back on full duty about a week now. And everything seems back to normal.

Or so he thought.

He had been feeling fine for the most part. They had just come back to the district from a raid. Jay had to pursue an offender on foot and chase him. His abdomen seemed to handle it the best it could. He felt a small pull when they were tosseling on the ground, but nothing he couldnt handle.

Back at the district, the team was in the bullpen going over the latest developments in the investigation. Jay was standing by the case bulletin board briefing the team. Right in the middle of his speech, Jay began to feel strange.

He could feel his heartrate begin to rise and thud in his ears which was wierd. Jay had always been in excellent shape dating back to his Army Rangers days and because of his healthy athletic shape, Jay's resting heartrate averaged between the mid to high fifties. He hadn't exerted himself in a good half hour and his heartrate had already returned back to normal. He knew there was no reason for his heartrate to start rising. He hadn't experienced any panic attacks lately and his PTSD had been under control for the most part, in fact he had been doing pretty well in that department. He took a deep breath and continued on.

As he was listening to the team respond. All of a sudden he felt his heart rate slow back to normal, so he thought the issue had passed.

He began talking again and he could feel his heart rate speed back up and then drop below normal.

Kevin: Jay?

Antonio: Jay you alright?

Jay snapped out of it.

Jay: What?!

Adam: Dude you kinda zoned out for a minute.

Jay: Oh yeah. Sorry.

He pointed back to the bulletin board and began again. All of a sudden, his heart started beating erratically again and it was out of his control. The team was starting to notice.

Kim: Jay?

Suddenly Jay took a foot forward and hit the ground.

Adam: Jay!!

The team all got up from their respective desks and ran towards Jay.

Voight: Halstead!

Antonio raced up to his body and checked the pulse in his neck and paid attention for a minute.

Antonio: Call an ambo!!


Paramedics rolled Jay's stretcher through the emergency entrance of Med. Maggie met them

Maggie: What do we have?

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