C is for Conjunctivitis

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Ellie lay in bed, slowly waking herself up still very drowsy. She was currently on medical leave from Chicago Med while she was recieving treatments and getting her Lupus back under control. And Jay had been taking care of her ever since they came home from the hospital. They had had long in-depth conversations about how the lupus had affected Ellie and her body and she walked him through each medication and their uses. They now no longer had a single secret between them and things couldn't be better. Jay had officially met her family with the exception of her niece and nephews.
And everyone got along famously. Ellie's father, grandfather, and siblings more than approved of Jay's place in her life, even Danny, and Jay and Jamie had become fast friends, so that had been a weight lifted off of Ellie's shoulders.

And Jay had been a wonderful caregiver. They had many meals in bed, as the most notorious symptom Ellie had been experiencing was the fatigue.

Jay had gone back to work but had always made sure Ellie was taken care of before he left and she had numerous people checking up on her while he was gone.

She had heard the sound of their shower earlier when she first began to wake up but was still so fatigued and so exhausted that she had rolled back over in bed and went back to a light slumber. Now she was awake sitting up in bed, still slowly coming to. She could hear noise coming from the kitchen area.

Ellie reached over to her nightstand and grabbed the bottle of water sitting there. It was full and still pretty cold so she knew Jay had switched out the bottle for her this morning. She took the top off and grabbed her medicine container and opened the tab from the specific day and smiled. She remembered yesterday that she had needed to refill her daily medicine container but had forgotten to do so. But there was this mornings pills to take. As she lifted up the other days tabs in both AM and PM they were all full which meant Jay had filled up her medicine container while she had still been sleeping. She took her pills a few at a time.

"How do you feel today?" She heard her favorite voice ask her.

She looked over to the bedroom doorway to see one of her most favorite sights.

Ellie smiled at the sight of Jay standing before her in nothing but his boxers holding a cup of coffee in his hands

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Ellie smiled at the sight of Jay standing before her in nothing but his boxers holding a cup of coffee in his hands.

"I'm ok" Ellie said smiling as Jay approached her sitting on the edge of the bed, kissing her gently.

"Is this mine?" She asked.

"It is" he answered handing her the coffee cup. "Half calf, no dairy, almond milk, and Stevia"

"You're so good to me" she said.

"Yeah well you're worth it, I brought you some water earlier. Drink that first to take your medicine." Jay advised.

Ellie smiled at him. "I did already. Thank you for filling up my medicine."

"One of the many things I'm here for, not to mention I love you."

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