C is for Cardiac Arrest - Part 2

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The intelligence team were gathered back in the Intelligence bullpen after Jays abduction.

"Sarge" Antonio said addressing Voight.

" Yeah?" Hank answers.

"This came from my CI. I'll take the hit." Antonio admits.

"It doesn't matter where it came from or who's taking the blame. We've got to find Jay. No ifs, and, or buts about it. " Adam says coming up the stairs of the bullpen.

"Ruzeks right. What happened, well it happened now we focus all our energy into getting Jay back." Al agrees.

"Well I gave Ellie my word so that's all I'm worried about right now." Adam admits.

"How'd she take it?" Hailey asks.

"How do you think she was going to take it, Hailey? Jay's missing" Kim says as Hailey nods her head and shrugs her shoulders.

"She basically shoved me out the door." Adam says.

"So she was mad at you?" Hailey asks.

"It's just the hurt talking. She didn't mean it." Kim assured Adam.

"No. Kim's right. She's not mad, she's hurt, she's concerned. She's scared. She shoved me out and basically told me to get my ass down here and figure this out and bring Jay home" Adam said.

"She's not an average family member either. She's one of us. She's a blue blood. Shes not going to fall for false pretenses and updates. 'We're doing our best, we'll let you know when we have an update' isn't going to fly for Ellie. She knows how we work, we've got to move quick with this" Kevin says.

Hank nods. "Exactly. And I'm just waiting to hear from the NYPD."

"You think the commishioner will send a unit down?" Antonio questions.

Hank shook his head. "No not officially. Frank Reagan is nothing if not professional firm and fair. And one thing Frank is known for is holding each of his kids to a higher standard. Any advancements Joe, Danny, and Jamie have made in the department are of their own doings. He wouldn't get his department involved just because his daughter's boyfriend who just happens to be a cop got abducted. Now if we reached out to him, yeah maybe. And Detective Reagan or Officer Reagan showing up on their own time to help, well that may be a different story. Alright, Where we at with the SUV?" Hank explains then gets right down to business.

"We've got all available patrol units searching. Problem is, there's no plates." Antonio informs Hank

" Well, what about the TSA badges they used to get past security?" Hank continues to ask questions to build their case and simply find Jay.

" The badges were stolen from several employees yesterday. TSA didn't report them missing until this morning. " Kevin says.

"Hayes shot and killed his own brother. What do you think he's gonna do to Halstead?" Adam asked fearfully.


Ellie sat on the couch, knees pulled up against her chest. She wore her thin blue line leggings, black with the blue stripe down each pant leg, and she was wrapped up in Jay's old Chicago PD sweatshirt. It basically swallowed her but she didn't care. It smelled like him and right now that's what she needed. She pulled the collar of his sweatshirt up and inhaled his scent once again. She pulled her wavy auburn blonde hair up into a messy ponytail. With her treatments and lupus side effects, she hadn't felt like making a lot of effort in a while so her hasn't been straight in a while. She would take a shower and just let it dry naturally and with the news she was given today, she didn't give a damn about her appearance. She just wanted Jay home.

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