B is for Blood Transfusion Part 1

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Jay and Ellie lay in bed, Jay flat on his back, Ellie curled up against him, her head on his bare chest, his arms wrapped around her, his head resting atop of hers. Ellie gradually waking up, a smile forming on her lips as Jay's arms tightens around her, the sound of Jay's steady heartbeat drumming in her ear. He placed a soft kiss on top of her head.

"Good morning babe"

"Hi" Ellie said smiling reaching up to kiss Jay. "Please tell me it's not time to wake up"

Jay smiled down at her caressing her bare arm back and forth.

"Almost, yeah."

"So back to work today?"

"Yeah. I'm good. I'm ready."

"You're always ready. There's no place you'd rather be."

"That's not true."


"No. There's always one place I'd rather be?"

She smiled up at him and bit her bottom lip.

"Oh yeah and where is that?"

"Right here, with you, doing what we're doing, well maybe one other thing."

She playfully smiled up at Jay as he brushed hair out of her face, nothing but love evident on his facial expression.

"I love you," she told him.

"I love you too"

Jay responded and gave her that megawatt smile of his that melted her heart every time. He knew she loved him. It was evident in her actions and the way she had been taking care of him since she moved to town but he also loved to hear her say it because he knew it was a big step for her. To be able to set that fear aside. Fear that her heart would be shattered again by letting another police officer steal her heart only to be taken from her again. But she went ahead and trusted her heart anyway and now here they were. Their relationship was still in a new stage so to speak but just last night, they reached a major milestone. A milestone that was an even bigger step for Ellie.


Jay was in the kitchen making his mother's spaghetti recipe. He stood over the pot stirring the meat sauce. Ellie walked into the kitchen and just stood there watching the man that she had fallen head over heels for in her kitchen prepare them dinner. She walked over to him and reached up to kiss his cheek. He smiled and pulled her into his side as he continued stirring the sauce.

"There's something I want to talk about" she started.

"Why do i have a feeling I should either be sitting down or have a drink in my hand for this? Or both"

She smiled and softly laughed.

"It's not bad, I promise."

"Okay, I'll listen to anything you have to say."

There he went again, completely melting her heart.

"It's about you looking for your own place. I know I said for you to just stay here until you could find a place and get everything situated."

"Oh yeah. And I have been looking, it's just everytime, something seems to come up again but I'll start looking for something. I can go stay with Will if"


He looked into her blue eyes.

"I'm sorry Ellie, I -"

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