C is for Cardiac Arrest - Part 1

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Authors Note: For the purpose of this story, just pretend the storyline of 3x01 didn't already exist. I did change some of the names from that episode however.

Hank sat in his office when there was a knock at the door. He looked up to see Jay standing there and he waved him in.

"Hey Sarge, I hope I'm not catching you a bad time"

"Not for you. I thought I told you I didn't want to see you till Monday, Halstead."

Jay smiled at his boss.

"Come in, shut the door behind you." Hank instructed.

Jay walked in and shut the door behind him and sat down in the chair in front of Hanks desk.

"How's Ellie? Is everything ok?"

"She's resting. And her brothers in town. Working B shift on Patrol so he flew in late last night. Leaving Sunday. He's with her. And Will's off today, so he'll be by soon to check on her."

"Jay, we've got this under control. Be with Ellie. I'll see you Monday."

"I'm not here to come back to work. I'm here for advice."

"Jay, I know you love Ellie. I see it. I know this is scary but -"

"Sarge, No, I'm not going anywhere, I was wondering how you proposed to Camille."

Hank was speechless. He just continued to look at Jay.

"Oh yeah that was really personal and I'm sorry, sarge." Jay got up to leave.

"Sit down, Kid."

Jay sat back down.

"Not Al? Antonio? Adam? Will?"

"No offense Sarge but Al and Meredith?" Jay made a face which made Hank smile. "Antonio's divorced. Will and Natalie arnt married yet so that's still TBD and Adam? 3 times no altar." Jay shook his head again and made another face which made Hank full on laugh now. "I was going to ask Erin to marry me that night. And then she left."

This was news to Hank. He had no idea. And right after Erin had left, the incident with Morgan happened. No wonder Jay spiraled out of control.

"Jay I didn't-"

"Yeah well it was for the best wasn't it? I was going to ask her but I didn't have a plan. This. I need a plan. I need this to be perfect. Oh Shit. I shouldn't be asking you. The whole Erin thing."

"Jay, Jay. It's fine. Look Jay, I know you loved Erin. I know you did. "

"This isn't that, Sarge. Ellie isn't a replacement for Erin."

"I know that. What I was going to say was Jay, I know you loved Erin. With every part of you. Maybe a little too much. And I owe you an apology."

Jay looked at his Sgt. dumbfounded.

"I never truly gave you my blessing for Erin. It wasn't because I didn't think you weren't good enough. Its because I was trying to protect you. Erin - she loved you too Jay but not the way you wanted. She was never going to settle down, Jay. And she was never going to cut ties with Bunny. "

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