B is for Blindness - Part 1

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Jay was finally back to work and back to full duty in the unit after his Anthrax ordeal. And Ellie was back at work at Med. Even more, Jay and Ellie were still living together at Ellie's apartment until Jay could find him a decent place to live. But honestly, neither had mentioned him moving back out. And all was going well. This thing between them was still new but going smooth. And Ellie didn't regret her decision to go against her "No Dating COPS" rule. If anything, the only regret she had was that she didn't break that stupid rule earlier. In fact, she was surprised at how well things were going between them. There had been no awkwardness, they just seamlessly went from their time in the hospital to living together. And even more surprising was Jay Halstead as a boyfriend.

Ellie had been around cops her whole life, her great grandfather had died when she was a toddler but her grandfather was NYPD commissioner when she and Jamie were kids, and it's true what they say. Once a Cop, Always a Cop. Approaching his 90s, despite a heart attack nearly a decade ago and a hip replacement a year earlier, Henry Reagan was for the most part still in pretty good health and he was still sharp as a tack. At the Sunday Night Dinner table, he could still recall his old police stories with the rest of them.

Then there was Ellie's Dad, Frank Reagan, the current commissioner for the past 13 years, who has pretty much seen it all from his time on the beat, a k9 officer, a 1st grade detective, through the ranks up as District Chief and finally as the NYPD PC.

Then there were her 3 brothers, Joe, Danny, and Jamie. Danny marched to his own band, one could say. He made up the rules as he went and it's no secret he bended the rules as much as he could or saw fit. Danny had been on the job for 20 years and as the job had gotten to him over the years (not to mention his tours as a Marine in Fallujah), Danny had changed as a person, he was the most overprotective of her brothers but she knew he would always have her back. And even though his methods were unorthodox at times, no doubt he was a damn good police detective, he would stop at nothing to solve his cases and bring justice to the victims of New York City.

There was Joe, who had died a 1st grade detective in the warrant division. Joe was as straight laced as they came, crossed every t, dotted every i, was as different as Danny as he could possibly be, he was a by-the- book kind of Cop. He was the first to go through the academy and become a NYPD cop of the Reagan brothers just like his Dad, grandfather, and great grandfather before him. He had the ever prestigious Reagan name to live up to, but he did and he was one of the more respected Detectives of the NYPD. Joe was 10 years older than Ellie and Jamie but he was the one that they were closest to, Joe was every bit as protective of his baby sister as Danny was, he just had a different way of showing it.

And then there was Jamie. A carbon copy of his big brother Joe. And Ellie's best friend. She knew Jamie better than he knew himself, and vice versa. They had no secrets, they couldn't even if they wanted to. They could read each other like a book. But unlike his brothers before him who became 1st grade detectives, Jamie went a different route. Instead of taking the detectives exam like Danny, Joe, his dad, and granpa, he's been on the beat for 7 years now. And while Danny busts his chops for it, it's not that he's not capable of being a good detective, he's more than capable, he's done his share of undercover work when it was presented to him, and he was damn good at it but he likes doing what he does. He likes being on the streets and Ellie doesn't seeing that ever change for Jamie. No matter what, Jamie and Ellie support each other to the fullest.

Then there was Jacob Morelli, the young cop she met at the gym. She fell for him fast, he was a smart cop, quick witted and intelligent. He loved his job just like her family members did, but the job had taken its toll on him as well. There were times he would shut her out and take the job out on her but she knew it was nothing personal, she was used to the persona and she was broken hearted when she lost him.

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