B is for Blood Transfusion - Part 3

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Jay gently laid her back down against the pillows. And leaned in to give her a gentle yet loving kiss on her lips. She lifted her arm to run her hand through his hair as he kissed her. Suddenly they heard a clearing of a throat and a stifled chuckle. Ellie turned her head towards the doorway and there stood her father and twin brother.

But when Jay looked over towards the doorway, he saw the NYPD police commishioner Frank Reagan and NYPD patrol officer Jamie Reagan.

"Daddy? Jamie?" Ellie asked.

Jay pulled away from Ellie but remained sitting on the edge of Ellie's hospital bed now facing Frank and Jamie who stood in the doorway.

"Elizabeth" Frank greeted as he stepped forward into Ellie's room.

Jay quickly stood up as Frank and Jamie approached Ellie's bed.

It was obvious both her father and Jamie stopped whatever it was they were doing, dropped everything, and made the trip from New York to Chicago. Frank was in his normal dark blue 3 piece suit, white dress shirt, dress shoes and red tie accompanied by his usual tan trench coat he wore to the office each day. Obviously Frank left his office at 1PP and traveled directly to Chicago. As did Jamie. Jamie was still in his patrol uniform, badge pinned to his chest, weapon holstered to his hip and everything. Ellie knew they must have not flown commercial, Frank must have been notified that his youngest daughter had been admitted to Chicago Med and gotten immediate travel arrangements through 1PP and he and Jamie left their respective police posts and immediately made it to Chicago to see about her. And of course it would be Frank and Jamie. Frank, her father of course. Ellie was the youngest daughter and the next to youngest child only few minutes seperated her and Jamie. Frank had lost his wife Mary to cancer over a decade ago and his son Joe had been murdered by a group of dirty cops within his own force coming up on 9 years ago so of course Frank would drop everything to come see about his sick daughter. And he would wait for no one except Jamie. And while Jamie, Danny, and Erin and even Joe were always held to higher standards due to their last name, they never recieved any special treatment because their father, and grandfather before him, was police commishioner. Still in this type of emergency where his baby girl was sick and hospitalized he would make arrangements for Jamie to be excused from duty to make the trip to Chicago. While Danny and Erin, and Joe while he was alive, loved their sister, it was different with Jamie. They shared a womb for 8 months. They were connected in a way the others weren't. And while Jamie was absolutely devastated by Joe's death and the cover-up regarding Joes murder, it was a different story with Ellie. If something had happened to Ellie to the extent that Ellie wouldn't survive, the others wouldn't be able to understand the amount of grief Jamie would go through. It would be like Jamie burying a part of his self, their souls were connected to each other, in a healthy sort of way. They knew what the other was thinking without having to voice it. So when Jamie got the call from Will Halstead in the middle of his patrol shift that his sister had collapsed and was unconsciously recieving blood and plasma transfusions, he hadn't been surprised. Jamie had felt off all day. It was like he had this bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He drove around NYC all day long with his partner and best friend Eddie Janko in the passenger seat just waiting for something bad to happen. He knew it was bound to happen, he just didn't know when or the cause. So when his phone rang and he saw Wills name on his screen, he knew instantly his sister needed him. He pulled off to the side and took the call. He immediately drove back to the 12th precient and told his C.O. he had a family emergency. Eddie encouraged him to take off immediately. He drove himself to 1PP and the look on his face told Detective Abigail Baker that his unannounced visit was warranted. "Abigail, my sister is sick" he had told her. "Ellie?" She had asked. He only nodded. When Abigail opened up Frank's office door and Frank saw his son Jamie standing there, he too knew bad news was awaiting him. "Sir, all of your appointments will be canceled for the remainder of the day and week. I will advise LT Gormley to step in and I will handle your travel arrangements" she announced as Jamie stepped in and she closed the door behind her. Frank immediately stood from his desk. "Ellie?" He asked. Jamie only nodded. Frank knew it wasn't his father or his eldest living son or eldest daughter because Abigail had mentioned travel arrangements. "She's collapsed at Chicago Med. Her ANA and DNA levels are both elevated and her platelet levels are extremely low. They are doing a workup on her now. I told Will I'd be there as soon as I could." Jamie told his father. Frank grabbed his coat. "Let's go then" Frank told his youngest son. It didn't require a second thought. Police business could wait. He's lost his mother, wife, oldest son, and daughter in law. Frank knew the importance of family and although he was dedicated to his position and to the men and women of the New York Police Department, and to the citizens of New York City, he was more dedicated to his family and they would always come first. His children knew his dedication to the city of New York but they have never had to question their places in his life.

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