Authors Note

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Just a little note to let you know where I'm at right now.

I had actually started writing this story last year but all of a sudden I had a vision for a Jesse Soffer fanfic so I put this one on hold and wrote MATTERS OF THE HEART instead becuase I do not trust myself to write more than one fanfic at a time. I was overwhelmed with all the responses to MATTERS OF THE HEART and I appreciate all of you who read, liked, and commented.

Then I picked up LOVE HURTS again and it was a ABC Jay whump fanfic but decided to base it on a storyline with an OC. I decided to do the crossover with not only the ONE CHICAGO universe but with BLUE BLOODS as well. And so far i think most of you have enjoyed that. Ellie Reagan, my OC, while going off the BLUE BLOODS background, is based off of me. I come from a long line of law enforecement officers. My brothers are currently the 5th generation in my family which i why I relate so much to the Reagan Family.

As far as Jay Halstead, I've been in love with him since his first appearance on Chicago Fire and even before that, I've loved Jesse since As the World Turns. For the most part I'm following the Season 5, 6, 7, and 8 storylines but creating my own storylines for Jay's injuries and his relationship with Ellie. And while Jay is Jay and I'm keeping him true to form, he is also inspired by my husband. Similar to Jay, my husband, is a detective in our police departments Street Crimes Unit, which would be our departments equivalent of Intelligence down here. And several of the injuries I've already written about were actual injuries I experienced with my husband (including the C is for conjuctivitis chapter And the blood transfusion And chemo chapters as I have lupus)  And the relationship between Jay and Ellie is definitely inspired by my husband and I.

As far as the chapters each alphabet letter will have an injury starting with that letter but several letters will have numerous injuries. I already had an outline of each chapter and am writing as I go along.

I was trying to update at least once a week but I have been working on this last update since mid May and I did not at all anticipate it would take me this long to update and yes I do absolutely do plan on continuing but the last 6 weeks have been crazy for myself and my family.

I worked as an ER nurse but have been part-time since having our twins last March. There is a volunteer organization that my Dad who just retired as a 45 year veteran from our local PD is president of and we assist the police department during the marathons and parades and May was a very busy month in our town. Also during our Memorial Day weekend, we rent out a facility and cook all weekend breakfast lunch and dinner for 4 days for our police officers. We also do the same thing for all the police officers that are working during our country music festivals. So my May and June was out of this world busy. I was trying to play catch up and finish my most recent update which was part 4 of C is for Cardiac Arrest but then my world kinda came crumbling down last Thursday (6/24).

I had just talked to my husband. He said he had to meet with a C.I. and then question a family member on a case he was working. I was making dinner and our twins were in their playpen. There was a knock at my door and it was the assistant chief. As a police wife (and daughter and sister) you just know when something is wrong. I immediately knew. Another car showed up with an officer to stay and watch our children so I grabbed my purse and phone and rushed out the door. He and several other officers were ambushed and my husband Mylo was shot 4 times. 3 hit his vest thankfully but it caused internal bleeding and damage and he was rushed into emergency surgery to remove his spleen and gallbladder  The 4th bullet hit his femoral artery and shattered his hip so he had to have an emergency hip replacement as well. (He's only 28) But thank God he's alive. I can deal with everything else and I'm a nurse so i know how to take care of him. But we have been here in the hospital since last Thursday at around 7 pm. I have been here with him the entire time and my parents are watching our twins.  He had to have another emergency surgery today to remove shrapnel and because of an infection so to keep my mind off of it I was able to finish the update. Again some of you knew about this so I appreciate your thoughts and prayers as does Mylo.

I would like to say I'm back on my normal schedule and updates will be more regular but i can't promise anything. It looks like we have a lot on our plates right now especially once I get him home. But I will update as much as I can so please just bear with me. I have every intention of continuing with this story and I appreciate all of you who are along for the ride with me.

Again thank you all for your patience and understanding.


UPDATE: Guys thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers this past week. I appreciate it so much, and Mylo wanted me to pass on his thanks as well for your well wishes.

My dad and step mom brought our kids up to the hospital to see us yesterday and Mylo was wheeled out to the hospital garden area where we had a 4th of July picnic with my parents and our kids. Our twins are 15 months, they don't really understand anything other than the fact that they havent seen Mommy and Daddy for over a week, and that that's not right. Our daughter who is 4 and a half however was aware of the situation, my dad sat her down and explained that a "bad man" hurt daddy while he was trying to do his job. Unfortunately she knows of the job hazards as a friend of ours was killed in the line of duty less than a year ago. And all she cared about was seeing daddy.

We are now home which we are both very grateful for after spending 10 nights in the hospital, 5 of those being in ICU. So the hardest part I think is behind us but now the real recovery and rehab begins. And yes my husband is just like Jay Halstead, already asking when he can return to work, 🤦and pretty much insisting he will come back from this and insisting he is not taking a disability package from the Department. But it's that determination that probably kept him here with us so i won't complain even for a second.

Again, thank you so much all of you for understanding and for your thoughts and prayers!! 💙💙

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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