A is for Anthrax - Part 1

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It was a long and hard day for Jay in the Unit. It had been a hard case. Serial Raptist of minor girls. Those always got Jay the hardest. The other members were on Jay about getting drinks at Molly's but he kept turning them down. He felt bad about it, he knew Adam wanted him to go. They hadn't been able to spend as much time together lately, but after a day like today he would much rather get drunk in the comfort of his own apartment.

Meanwhile, Over at Chicago Med, Ellie was having the same type of day. She and Will had been dealing with the same thing Jay had been dealing with all day. In fact, she had seen him twice today.

Jay, how do you deal with this? That girl in there is 13. The one down the hall is 11. Jay what kind of people do this to little girls?! Why?! she had asked him standing outside one of the exam rooms.

Monsters, thats who does shit like this, he had said as he looked down into her deep blue eyes, and cupped her chin into the palm of his hand. But I will catch this son of a bitch, I promise you. And as she looked up in his blue-green eyes, she believed him. She knew he would.

And he DID.

Co workers at Med had been trying to get her to go to Mollys tonight too but she just wasn't feeling it. She didn't feel like being social tonight. But she didn't want to be alone either.


Jay sat on his couch nursing a beer flipping through the channels on the TV. Nothing appealed to him tonight so he turned the TV off. Maybe Adam was right, maybe he didn't need to be drinking alone tonight. He downed the rest of his beer and got up to throw the bottle in the trash. He went to grab his keys and threw his apartment door open. And there stood Ellie Reagan at his door. Jay probably smiled for the first time that day. Ok maybe for the 3rd time. This is his 3rd time seeing her today.

Jay: Well if it isn't my favorite doctor standing at my door. What do I owe this pleasure?

Ellie: Is this a bad time?

He shook his head

Jay: Never. Not for you.

Ellie slightly blushed. Oh Ellie you are fighting fire with fire here. she thought to herself.

Ellie: Every one was going to Molly's tonight

Jay: Yeah I know. I just didn't want to be around Every one tonight.

She nodded.

Ellie: Yeah me either. But I just didn't want to be alone either.

She held up a bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey. He smiled brightly at her and held the door open.

Jay: Come in.

Ellie walked in to Jay's apartment and he closed the door.

Ellie: I hope this was ok. I just I didn't want to go to Molly's I didn't feel like I don't know but I didn't want to drink alone. And I actually went to Molly's and when I saw your team there and you weren't there so I figured you had the same idea I did. So when I moved here, my granpa sent me a whole case of Jameson Whiskey the only kind there is he says so I went home and grabbed a bottle and I just thought I dont know what I thought

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