C is for Cardiac Arrest - Part 3

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Adam Ruzek stood pacing the waiting room of the Surgical ICU back and forth waiting on any type of news, although he knew it would be honestly hours before he truly heard anything. Suddenly the team came rushing through. First Hank, Al, and Antonio. And then Kevin, Hailey and Kim were right behind.

"Adam how is he?" Hailey asked about her partner's condition.

"He's alright right?" Kim asked.

"Adam" Kevin pushed.

Adam just shook his head.

"I... I don't think...I honestly don't know." Adam managed to get out still in shock over what he had just witnessed.

The team looked around amongst themselves. They knew Jay was injured obviously and the chance that he had serious injuries was pretty high but only Hank knew how grave Jay's condition was.

"Where is he Ruzek? Where's Dr Reagan? Where's Detective Reagan.?"

Hank asked his young officer. Then suddenly they had answers but not from Adam. The team looked up to see Will.

"He was taken right away into surgery. Dr Rhodes is operating. Ellie is with him. She won't leave him. And Danny's here somewhere. My best guess is he's calling his family. Specifically the Commishioner." Will answered. "I'll let you know when I know anything. Sit tight though. I expect it to be a while. They're trying to stabilize his heart." Will returned back to where he had come from.

The team looked around. Shocked by the words Will had used.

"Stabalize his heart what?" Kim asked in wonder.

Adam looked up at Hank.

"Boss. His heart, it stopped." Adam whispered, scared to actually say the words out loud, as the rest of the team looked on. All they knew was that Jay seemed to be stable, waiting for Ellie near the back of the ambulance and then Adam had come to get Ellie in a panic, something was obviously wrong with Jay. Then all of a sudden, the ambulance took off and Hank was yelling at his team to take off and head to Med. That Jay was in distress. But they didn't know the severities of it. Hank placed his hand on Adam's shoulder.

"I know Kid I know" Hank said calmly. "Were they able to...?"

Adam nodded. "Yeah. Ellie began administering CPR like the minute it stopped. They kept shocking with the defibrillator. And he came back, but he was down for a while and then Sylvie and Ellie kept talking about a heart attack."

"Wait, Jay had a heart attack?" Hailey asked trying to get information.

"He, uh he had been tortured for 24 hours striaght and we don't really know everything that happened but we do know is that he had been tased repeatedly and that..." Adam tried to explain but trailed off.

"All the electricity running through his body threw his heart out of rythym." Al finished realizing what had happened.

"Oh God" Antonio whispered.

"So being tased all that time gave Jay a heart attack?" Kevin asked.

Adam shook his head. "Um not exactly. It wasn't a typical heart attack." He said.

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