A is for Appendectomy

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This fic takes place after 5.10

After the whole Camila debacle, Jay is furious with Voight for putting him on desk duty. He needs to be out in the field. Without his job, Jay is nothing. The past 8 months, Jay feels like his whole life has been unraveling. To make matters worse, the only way to get back into the field is therapy. At first, he wasnt into it at all. He just wasn't the therapy kind of guy. But then he realizes he has to do what he needs to do to get back in the field and realizes that therapy is making a difference for him and an improvement in his life.

Normally he hates desk duty but today when he wakes up, he's thankful for it. Jay's never been a big sleeper. He's up usually by 5 AM for his run or for his workout at the gym. And usually one of the first in the bullpen at the district.

But today, Jay just wasn't feeling it. He hit snooze on his alarm as many times as he possibly could this morning. He could feel the beginnings of a fever coming on and his whole body was just achy and sore. He just wanted to stay in bed all day but he couldn't. He wasn't about to call in sick when he was on desk duty trying to reprove himself to the unit.

Jay slowly moved out of bed, as soon as he stood up, he could feel a dull ache in his side.

Great, just great he thought to himself.

Jay slowly drug himself to his bathroom where he strips his plaid pajama bottoms, and turns on his shower and lets the water run until its scalding hot. He steps in and just lets the water run over his aching body. The dull ache in his side just not going anywhere.

He made it out of the shower and managed to slip on his boxers, jeans, and green henley shirt. He sat on the bed and tugged on his socks and work boots. He grabbed his badge and gun putting them on as well and made it to the kitchen.

He made coffee and poured himself a cup, making it the way he liked it. He downed the cup, the hot liquid scorching his throat on the way down. He shook his head, rinsed the cup, and grabbed his keys and coat on the way out of his apartment.

Jumping into his truck, that dull ache became sharp and stabbing at the sudden movements, and he grabbed the steering wheel. He bent his head down and took a deep breath. Once he recollects himself, he drives himself to the district.

Jay walks into the district. He immediately makes a turn and tries to bypass Sgt Trudy Platt, the district's desk Sgt. Sure, she annoys the hell out of every one and definitely has no people skills, but truth is she's really not that bad. And the honest truth is, when something happens, she'll be the first one there for you, and she's come to like Jay over the years that he's worked at her district. She knows he's good police and he feels the same about her, but he's just not in the mood for Sgt Platt this morning. No such luck.

Trudy: Hey Chuckles, over here.

Jay sighs and slowly makes his way over to the desk, preparing himself for her witty banter and whatever snide remarks she's about to make. Truth be told, he's not in the mood to fight back so he'll probably just take it.

Jay: Hey Sgt, what's up?

Trudys face instantly softens. She's been worried about Jay since Erin left. She's had a front row seat to his downward spiral, and she liked and respected Jay too much to watch him ruin himself. She had intentions to check on him today, she's heard he's finally making a leeway with his therapy, just like he was asked and her intention this morning was to check on him and then have a talk with Voight about getting him back in the field. But looking at Jay Halstead right now, her concern multiplies. He's pale and the light is gone in his gorgeous blue-green eyes. The fact that he didnt reply to her with his normal reaction That's Detective Chuckles just flat out worries her.

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