B is for Blindness Part 2

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Back at Med, Will and Maggie were waiting at the ED ambulance entrance with a stretcher as Ambulance 61 pulled up. Maggie opened up the ambulance doors. Will extended a hand and Ellie jumped out of the ambulance her purse and duffel bag swung over her shoulder.
Sylvie jumped out of the drivers seat of the ambulance and she and the Gabby got Jay out of the ambulance.

Ellie looked at Will and Maggie. "He can't see, and it's scaring him."

Both Will and Maggie nodded.

"I can only imagine," Maggie said.

Will and Maggie went to transfer Jay onto the Med stretcher with the help of Sylvie and Gabby.

"It's Jay obviously so I'll save all the professional details. Vitals are stable, no fever, GCS 15, heartrate 65, pulse ox is 99, and BP a little elevated 130/105 most likely due to anxiety."

"Hey Jay" Will said in a much more softer tone than he was used to when talking to his brother.

"Will?" Jay said whipping his head around, looking for his brother.

Will touched his brothers shoulder as he walked beside his stretcher. "Yeah buddy I'm right here, everything's going to be ok bud. We're going to get you checked out and figure this out ok?"

Jay kept reaching his arm out. And thrashing around the stretcher. "Ellie? Ellie left?"

"No honey I'm right here. I'm right here. " Ellie said grabbing his hand.

"Ellie don't leave me"

"I'm not going anywhere Jay. I'm right here" She assured him as she walked with him.

"Maggie get him to Trauma 2 Rhodes will be right in there. He's been waiting on him." Will instructed.

"On it, Dr. Halstead." They wheeled Jay off into the ED.


Back in Trauma Room 2, Maggie had Jay hooked up to a vitals monitor, a blood pressure cuff on his bicep, a pulse ox reader on his forefinger, his shirt unbuttoned with EKG leads on his chest.

Dr Rhodes walked in. "Will, Ellie," he addressed them, shaking Will's hand, and hugging Ellie.

"Hey Connor, thank you for coming in. I didn't mean for you to come in on your day off. We just wanted you to look at him. I trust - "

Connor stopped her midsentence. He knew as a Dr, it's always harder when family members and people you love become patients, it's hard to differentiate between your role as a Dr and your role as a family member. It's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

"Absolutely. Dont you have better things to do on your day off than hang out in the ED?" He asked trying to make the situation light.

Ellie just gave him a concerned look. He patted her arm. "We'll take a look and figure this out."

He walked up to Jays bed.

"Jay how we doing?"

"I've been better. I don't like this"

"I bet but we're going to fix you up. I'm pretty sure Dr Reagan is correct with her diagnosis but we need to be sure."

Jay nodded, even though he couldn't see Conner.

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