Chapter Seventeen.

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I will have a great year, I know it!

I'm going to 1D (eriefbldnbdnjbaljbdalhbjbhaddjb), I'm going to Spain with my schooltrip!! the girl I'm staying with in Spain will come to me also! I will become 17! :3 Idk.. ha :D

Okay, I hope you also got great plans for 2013 and well, here you go, first update of this year!

'It's the last day of tour!' Niall cheered happily.

'Yes, I'm so excited to go home!' Liam agreed cheerily.

'I'm not!' Celina and I whined in unison.

'Cheer up, we'll visit you a lot of times.' Louis smiled at us.

'And you'll meet the girl Zayn's been hitting on.' Niall said, we looked at Zayn in shock.

'YOU DIDN'T TELL US?' We yelled at the mysterious boy.

'Well, sorry I didn't tell you that I've met her yesterday.'

'What's her name?' I asked happily.

'Jewel, don't ask me questions!' He defended. 'Niall, keep your girlfriend with you, Louis you too!'

Niall laughed and grabbed my wrist, pulling me on his lap as he sat on the couch.

'You're joining us today, right?' He said. 'And Celina, you join us too today?'

'Yes, we do.' I smiled and kissed his cheek.

'Will Jewel be coming too?' Celina asked Zayn, Zayn glared at her.

'Yes, and you will meet her..' He sighed.

Celina and I highfived and giggled.

'Girls...' Zayn growled.

'You love them, Zayn, don't you?' Louis laughed.

'Unfortunately, I'll have to!'


'Hi, I'm Jewel.' A girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes stood in front of me, she was around 5'4" and smiled, a light blush on her cheeks.

'I'm Marit, nice to meet you.' I said and leaned in to hug her.

'I'm Celina.' Celina introduced herself and hugged her too, Zayn stood there awkwardly next to us.

'Come on, let's go.' Zayn said, taking Jewel's hand and winking at us before walking away. Celina and I giggled as we got to the boys' dressing room.

'Hey girls.' Harry said, typing away on his phone.

'Hi!' We said and started laughing.

'What?' Niall said, coming over to me and hugging me.

'Nothing, it's just.. Zayn looked so happy.'

'He is with that girl, isn't he? it's weird!'

'Yes. Cel, we should go to our places now.' I said, I linked my arm with hers and we walked out, wishing the boys good luck.


The concert was amazing and the night was rather enjoyable, we were now packing to leave, we were almost in Mullingar, Celina and I were going home.

Jewel had left after the concert, Maddi would go back with the boys since she lived with Liam and the boys would all return to London.

It'd be hard to go back, because we wouldn't see our boys for a whole month. they'd all stay the night with us in Mullingar, but leave with the plane to London from Dublin the day after, in the afternoon.

'Mullingar is here.' The driver said and I looked around the familiar space around the bus.

'Home sweet home..' I mumbled, closing my suitcase and getting it in the living room.

Niall embraced me and I sighed.

'One more day together.' I said, nuzzling my head into his neck.

'One more happy day.' He said, kissing my head.

Louis' POV.

'Celina, love, you done packing?'

'Yeah, I am.' She said sadly, getting over to me with her suitcase, I put it in the living room and got back into the room.

'We'll have one more day, how am I going to be without you? I've been with you since we got together!' She said, tearing up.

'I'll get you over to London as soon as possible, okay?' I said, lifting up her chin and kissing her lips.

'Let's just make it all count, okay?' I said, looking right into her soul. She nodded weakly and smiled to me before pressing her lips back on mine.

'Come on, we're here.' I took her hand and we stood up, leaving the tour bus with our suitcases and we got into Celina's house. She got embraced by Judith and she smiled.

'I've missed you!' She cheered and introduced her to the rest.


'Louis?' Judith asked as Celina was just getting some new drinks.

'Yes?' I said, turning me to her.

'Be good for her.' She smiled at me. 'I think you make her happier than she's every been.'

I blushed lightly and nodded. 'I will be good for her.'

'Thank you.' Judith smiled at me as Celina walked back in.

'What were you talking about?' She giggled and sat down on my lap.

'Nothing special.' I hugged her body tightly and kissed her shoulder.

'Let's go to sleep soon, it's already getting late and you've to go home tomorrow.' She sighed and I nodded, she stood up and we helped Niall and Harry to get a good place to sleep, Harry and Judith were doing great together so they slept in one bed, although not close to each other, Celina and me slept in one bed and Niall slept in guest room.

I kissed her lips before getting in PJ's and getting to sleep, oh how I am going to miss her next to me..

let me explain; this is all a kind of dream everyone of them has, itll explain itself in the next chapter ;)

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