Chapter Eighteen.

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Hello! what a wonderful day.... got back to school. -____- terrible! but one of my teachers is ill so i'm off an hour early :).

Here we go, another chapter, i can't tell how long the story will continue, but it won't be very long anymore...... sorry! x

I woke up in the morning and looked around, what kind of weird dream did I have? did Zayn really hit on a girl named Jewel? Are we really staying with everyone in Mullingar? I saw Niall next to me and woke him up, which took at least 10 minutes.

'Mmh, I'm awake.' He mumbled, I laughed and looked at him, he had reaaaally sexy morning hair.

'Did you also dream about the last day of tour? Zayn getting his girlfriend over, she was called..'

'Jewel. Yes I did.' He looked at me, eyes widened.

'This is creepy, what did we do yesterday?' I chuckled.

'To see you're still in your clothes, and I have a huge headache, we probably drank too much.'

'It can't be, I remember everything and I don't have a headache.'

'Mmmh, maybe.. we saw the end of next tour?'

'No, it was recent, The Up All Night-tour, I'm sure.'

'Then it was just awkward.' Niall huffed and got out of bed, Zayn laid on the couch, Liam on the other one.

'GET UP!' I yelled, Niall smiling at me as Liamfell off the couch due to my yell.

'What the-' He looked up and met my eyes.

'Hi Li slept well?' I asked innocently.

'Yeah, had a dream though.'

'About the last day of tour? with Jewel, Zayn's girlfriend? We also did.' I chuckled.

'What about Jewel?' Zayn's voice sounded through the room.

'Is she real? not just a dream?' We all looked at him.

'She's real but how do you know?'

'We all had a dream, about the last-'

'I had the same one.. she's from Bradford, I'll see her when I go home.' He smiled.

'Are we gonna meet her?' I asked. 'When we're in London next time?'

'Yes, you certainly will, we have been dating for over a year and we were planning on going to live together, so we'll search for a house in London.'

'Cool, Niall and I have dated for.. almost half a year now, since your tour was so long!'

'I know, everyone knows.'

'Nobody knows.' Liam said, smiling at the memory of X-Factor.

'Oh Louis.' I face-palmed and looked at him, he just shrugged.

'Well, You should be going, you've got to eat breakfast and get to the airport, you only have 2 hours left.' I said, sighing.

'We should.' They got to their suitcases, probably to get changed, while I made breakfast for all of us.

Celina's POV.

We all sat at the kitchen table, eating breakfast and it was completely silent.

Harry and Judith sat next to each other, so did Louis and I.

I looked at him, I was going to miss him so much, and then to Judith and Harry, I barely got time to couple them! I had to take Judith with me next time I'd go to London.

'Lou? Can I bring Judith next time I'll come to visit you?' I asked.

'Of course you can.' He smiled. 'She could stay at Harry's, if he likes that.'

'Yeah, she can stay at mine, why not?' He chuckled, smiling at Judith, I think I didn't have to be a couple-maker, Harry's charms and Judith's shyness would all make it's way to becoming a couple.


We met the others at the airport and now I had hugged everyone, only Louis was left, he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked deeply into my eyes.

'I'm going to miss you.' He said to me and removed some of my tears.

'I'm going to miss you more.' I choked out and hid my face in his shoulder.  Once I lifted up my head, he leaned in to kiss my lips, it was sweet but salty since my tears got into the kiss.

'I love you.' I said, hugging him once more and then letting go, holding grip on one of his hands.

'I love you too.' He smiled. 'We'll skype, call and text okay? I can't go throughout a day without you.'

He pressed a kiss to my head and let go of my head. I sent him a smile and then they all disappeared into the halls of Dublin's airport.

'Let's go home.' Judith said to Marit and me, we all got in the car and let out a sigh. Judith drove us home and Marit joined us, having some tea and watching some movies.

'You're always welcome here, you know that right?' I said to Marit, she simply nodded.

'I'll come over for a sleepover soon.' She smiled and stood up. 'I gotta get back home now, thanks for everything.' She hugged us and I let her out.

'See ya!'

Marit's POV.

'Niall, let me get over as soon as possible, I need to be with you.'

'Come and live with me, in London.' He said, stroking my cheek and looking into my eyes.

'I can't just leave my parents, my whole childhood and most of all Celina alone, it'll kill me inside.'

'Please think of it, the offer will stand until you want to.' He smiled and pressed his lips to mine.

We stood at the airport, saying goodbye and I had hugged all the boys, except for Niall, he was just saying goodbye to me right now.

'I love you Marit, I'll see you soon.' He said, kissing my head and pulling me in for a tight Horanhug.

'I love you too Nialler.' I smiled into his shoulder, he lightly let go of me and then I released, he smiled weakly at me and looked into my eyes once more.

'Gotta go, see you soon.' With that, he left.


One Week Without Niall. 

it's the hardest week since all the pain we had on tour, it's horrible! 

We called as much as possible, but it wasn't the same.

The calls weren't daily, as we planned because he was tired a lot, but we did when we could..

I was around Judith and Celina a lot, we were planning on going to surprise them, since we all know where they live. The apartmentcomplex was still at the same place of course.

We would go next week, and I'd tell Niall I'd love to move in with him, they had been convincing me to go, and if Celina got asked, she would first refuse because of Judith, she couldn't leave her alone. 

"Baby you light up my world like-" I quickly answered my phone.

'Hello?' I said, Niall's voice sounded into my ear as he spoke through the telephone.

 'Hi babe.' 

'Niall! How are you?' 

'Good babe, hope you're fine too! In 2 weeks I got a week off, wanna come over by then?' 

'Yeah, of course, should be fun.' I smiled 

'Good because I miss you soooo much.' He whined.

'Same, but Niall, I gotta go, they're waiting for me, I'll talk to you tonight okay? love you..' I hung up.

Ugh, I can't keep a secret for him..

how the hell will I survive this week without telling him?!

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