Chapter One.

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This is the first chapter, it can be quite boring, therefore, i'm sorry, i try to make it as good as possible but the start is most of the time very boring. sorry for mistakes by the way! 

Chapter One.

I stood in front of my house with my suitcase, Niall would be here any minute. Today i was going on tour with him and his bandmates, his girlfriend and one of the boys' girlfriend. I was quite nervous as Niall arrived in a taxi, he got out and hugged me. 

'Hey Marit! how you doing?' he smiled and took my suitcase, placing it in the back.

'I'm good, how are you?' I said, we got into the taxi and it drove off to the airport in Dublin, it would take a while, and we just chatted, about everything, how Mullingar and my life had changed without him. 

'It's good to have you with, I missed you so much, although I didn't really show it, I'm sorry.' he said, looking at me with those big blue eyes.

'No worry Niall, I'm glad you asked me, finally some time with you again.' I smiled and he wrapped an arm around me. 

'Madeline will love you.' he smiled, and I felt my heart shatter into pieces. 

'yeah, I guess.' I said, looking out of the window to erase it from my mind. 

'What's wrong? aren't you happy I found her?' he asked, putting a hand on my shoulder and making me look at him.

'I am, I'm just nervous to see the boys again.' 

'Why'd you be nervous? you know they love you!' he said happily.

'Yeah, but still, I haven't seen them in so long! I bet they won't recognize me.' I chuckled.

'Yes they will, you haven't changed.' 

'I have Niall, come on, we got a plane to catch.' We got out, paid the driver and got onto the plane to Heathrow. 


'MARIT!' my ears got blown off as the boys shouted my name. We just got off the plane and got our luggage as the boys stormed over to me, 2 girls behind them, chatting regularly. 

'Hi boys! I missed you all!' I said and hugged each of them, receiving a kiss on my cheek. 

'Yay! I got my wife back!' Louis said happily and hugged me once again. 

'Marit? This is Madeline, my girlfriend.' Niall said, holding his arm around the girl and smiling proudly.

'Well, hi, i'm Marit.' I said, hiding my emotions.

'Hi, I'm Madeline.' she said, and we shook hands, then I hugged Maddi, Liam's girlfriend, I had known her for longer, from when I met the boys, she's really nice and a perfect shopping buddy!

She and all the boys except for Niall, knew that I had feelings for him, and they would help me to keep me away from all the couple-moments they would have. 

I'm glad to have them, and then Louis who calls me his wife.. just because I made a joke once! 

'come on, let's go to the tour bus!' they said happily and one of them, I think Harry, took my suitcase from me, and Louis held an arm around my back.

'THAT'S MY PLACE!' Louis yelled. 'but you can get on the bed above mine! then you see Zayn's styled hair every night!' 

'Yeah, i'll go for that one!' i said and planted my suitcase on the bed, sat down and sighed. 

Harry got next to me on mine. 'She's not good for him, she's so mean sometimes, they fought a lot, no worry, they'll break up and then we'll help you to make him fall for you.' he said and patted my back.

'I just wish it could be so easy. they seem perfect for each other, how am I going to be fine if they are kissing and being all lovey-dovey when I'm around?' I said, looking at my lap where my fingers seemed the most interesting things. 

'We will keep you entertained babe, but don't ignore him, he'll get suspicious and ask you about it.' he said, kissed my cheek and got off. 'Want something to eat?' 

'No, I'm gonna lay down for a bit, thank you.' I said as he left. 

I grabbed my headphones, laid down as i got my suitcase on a good place and listened music as i stared at the ceiling. 

How was I going to survive this?

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