Chapter Fifteen.

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Hello! i got a day off, so plenty of time! :D

Here's my Harry-fanfic, it's a sequel to Niamhloves1D_99's fanfic :)

If you want a personal #imagine from me, I do take request, just ask me for one :))

well, that was pretty much it... :)


Celina's POV.

I was struggling to keep my eyes open around 4 am, Louis was so sweet to keep me awake though.

The tension between Marit and me had disappeared, we were back to joking and talking, I was ready to trust her once again.

'I'm so tired, why did we agree to this?'

'Let's go to sleep.' Zayn said.

'OH NO YOU WON'T ZAYN.' I shouted. 'you made us stay up all night! you'll the last one to sleep!' I squinted my eyes to him.

'Go to sleep, puppet.' He teasingly said, I shook my head. 'I'm going to sleep when you fall asleep.'

'Louis?' I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. 'Can you sing him a song to get him to sleeeep?'

'Only for you babe.' Louis said and walked over to Zayn, who was also struggling to keep his eyes open. Louis sang a song to him and he fell asleep like we expected.

I got a bucket, filled it with ice cold water and threw it all over him, but he didn't wake up.

'Okay, he's a big sleeper.' I said ashtonised.

'He is, but we can tease him with his 'wet' dream.' Marit winked.

'And we will, but first I'm gonna sleep.' I got to bed with Louis.


Marit's POV

The next morning

I woke up in Niall's arms and looked around, we slept on the couch, Zayn was lying on the ground and Harry laid on the other couch.

Then I remembered yesterdaynight and laughed, waking up Niall. He looked around and chuckled at everything, probably remembering the same as I just did.

I got up and got changed before waking everyone up to ask what kind of Mac Donald's breakfast they wanted.

Once I had everyone's order and Niall was done changing, we walked to the Mac Donalds hand in hand.

'Good idea from you to get Mac Donald's babe.' he smiled at me.

'Thank you sir.' I chuckled and ordered everything we needed, receiving glares from the people around us because it was so much.

We got home and ate with everyone, Niall and I were going to do something together, but we didn't know what.

We just went out and walked through the city, finding something to do. It was a warm day, so something energetic wasn't a good idea.

'We should do something lazy.'

'Look in front of you, it's like twilight.' He said, pointing at something far in front of us.

Surrounded by trees, full with high standing flowers, all purple and white, it was breathtaking.

'This could be the field they used actually.' I chuckled.

'They could, yeah.'

We walked over to it and laid down next to each other, the sun shone bright above us as we looked at each other, a little rest from everything was just what we needed. I sighed and closed my eyes, he wrapped an arm around my back and kissed my head.

'You also here?' Louis and Celina walked on the field too.

'Same question to you.' Niall said, looking up.

'Just for some rest.' Celina said. 'It's been kinda hectic.'

'Yeah, same.' I said and chuckled.

'We'll go somewhere else, you were first.' Louis said, tugging on Celina's arm, they walked along and disappeared between the trees.

'awkward.. where were we?' Niall chuckled.

'I don't know, let's skip to the kissing part?'

'Yes please.' He pressed his lips to mine as we laid back down.

'I love you Niall.' I said as I laid with my head on his chest.

'I love you too, love.' he smiled and looked at my fingers, softly playing with them and kissing them once in a while.

I couldn't wish for more, my boyfriend, a sunny day, lovely flowers.. it was perfect, Niall was perfect.


'Pizza for dinner?' Niall asked as we walked back to the tourbus.

'Yeah, alright.' I said. 'order or pizzeria?'

'Pizzeria!' Niall said and dragged me into a pizzeria, the sweet smell of pizza made me more hungry than I already was.

'Can we have one large pepperoni pizza, and 2 sprites?' Niall said to the waiter when he got to our table.

'Of course, what would you like for dessert, sir?' He said.

'Chocolate cake for both of us, please.' He nodded, the waiter got our menus and left.

Niall grabbed my hand, laid it on the table and put a bracelet around my wrist.

'Niall, no, you can't just keep giving me expensive gifts.' I pouted.

'I can because I'm your boyfriend.' he smiled and kissed my hand.

The waiter ruined the moment and gave us the pizza on a big plate, a plate for each of us aside.

'Thank you.' We said in unison as he left the table.

We ate some pizza, had some laughs, some sweet moments, you know how it goes, all loved dovey.

Once Niall had finished the last slice, we asked the waiter to come back and asked politely for dessert.

He took our plates and left, getting 2 thick slices of chocolate cake for us before returning.

'here you go.' He said, I smiled at him as he left, starting to eat the heavenly dessert in front of me.

' best dessert ever.' I stated as we finished.

Niall agreed and we got up, Niall paid the bill and we left, once getting inside the tourbus, Liam couldn't hold his worries for himself and complained about how we should've told them we'd eat somewhere else.

'Liam, let them go, theyre safe and alright.' Maddi said and dragged him to their and Loulina's room.

I sighed and Niall and I gof showered before we turned to bed.

'goodnight my love.' Niall said, turning off the light and closing the door. ( ;) )

Celina's pov.

After we saw Miall in wanna be twilight field, we got to the beach and sat down together in the sand.

'I texted Liam we'd come back later, since it's quite a long walk back.' Louis said.

'I know you just want to stay here longer.' I said, laying my head on his shoulder.

'true. I love being here with you.' he wrapped an arm around my back and laid his head on mine.

'words dont come easy, without a melody, I'm always thinking, in terms of do re mi, I should be hiking, swimming, laughing with you, its that I'm all out of tune..

And when I hear you on the radio, I never wanna change a single note, its what I try to say all along..' Louis sung.

'youre my favorite song.' I said, finishing it by kissing him.

As I pulled away, he said those three words that mean so much to me; I love you.

a/n half typed on my mobile, dont blame me for spelling mistakes. adds.

"What hurts the most." - A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now