Chapter Nineteen.

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Sorry for the long wait!!

I'm so extremely slow with updating, ugh. I'm so sorry! I kinda concentrate on my other stories and also do school and I'm all sore because of korfball!

please forgive me!

See yaaaaa xxx.

Celina, Judith, Maddi, Jewel (we just met her) and I watched the boys from backstage, they still had no idea we were here.

Paul walked up on stage as we planned, with microphone and the boys looked surprised.

'Hi boys.'

'This is our bodyguard Paul!' Louis shouted, making everyone cheer.

'So, I've got some special people here for you..' Paul said. 'Can the first one come over here please?' It was my turn as first, I walked onto stage and watched the other run away to their places in the audience.

'MARIT!' Niall screeched into the microphone and ran over to hug me.

'Hi Niall, surprise.' I smiled and kissed his cheek, he wouldn't let go of me at all, but the boys forced him and all hugged me before I got back to my Nialler.

'Second one please...' Jewel walked from the other side backstage onto the stage and Zayn pulled her in a hug.

The boys hugged and introduced themselves and then she went back to Zayn, just as me to Niall.

'Third one please..' Paul said, and Maddi came from the back of the audience towards the stage and Paul helped her up, she immediately got caught in a bear hug which came from Liam.

'And the fourth..' Paul said as everyone hugged Maddi and she took place next to Liam.

Judith came up from the other side of the back and Harry looked surprised but still really happy.

'Judith!' He yelled and swung her around, everyone hugged her, woah, it is really the same and then she took place next to Harry.

Louis looked sad when Paul walked off, but what he didn't know is that she was secretly sneaking up behind him.

I whispered it into Niall's ear and he laughed, Paul had all planned this so he could get Louis back.

'Unfortunately Celina couldn't make it..' Judith said. 'She had some problems, I'm sorry Louis.'

'I'll see her soon enough.. don't worry.' He smiled sadly and just at that moment, she jumped on his back and he almost fell forward.

'WOAH!' He said and turned around, seeing her and the world just stopped, it was so sweet what was happening.

Celina's POV.

'Unfortunately Celina couldn't make it.' I heard Judith say. 'She had some problems, I'm sorry Louis.'

Louis said something and then I jumped on his back as I sneaked from behind Josh's drums.

'WOAH!' He yelled and almost fell forward. I just giggled at it as he turned around.

'Celina.. you're here.' He handed the mic to Harry who was right next to him and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up lightly and nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

'Yes I am, Paul wanted to get you back so they made this up.' I chuckled and loosened my grip on him as he put me down on the floor and watched me, his back was to the crowd and no one could here us.

'I love you so much you know?' He smiled at me and squeezed my waist. 'Do you want to stay here with me in London? You could live with me!' He excitedly said and I nodded.

"What hurts the most." - A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now