Chapter 3 - Slumber Heartly

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Summary: Steven tours the pink gem around the beach house and eventually gave her a nickname. And later on, Steven decides to have a slumber party with his new gem friend.
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"Welcome to Beach City!...

...Well, my house in Beach City, technically. This is where I live." Steven added after they warped to the beach house, still holding the pink gem's hand. The pink gem just nodded at him, looking slightly amazed at his home. "Come on, I'll show you around."

Steven continued to guide and tour the pink gem. The other gems are still standing on the warp pad, observing them in concern. Well, mostly Pearl in that matter.

"Are any of you sure about this?" Pearl asked, looking back and forth at Garnet and Amethyst. Amethyst just shrugged and Garnet kept quiet, still keeping her arms crossed. "I mean, we don't even know who this gem is."

Amethyst paused a bit, looking back at Steven and the pink gem before gesturing the two. "Yeah, but Steven kinda had a point. Just look at her, she looks completely innocent."

Amethyst paused again, seeing Steven at the kitchen and joyfully touring the pink gem around who was observing in awe and sometimes in confusion.

But Amethyst eventually looked back at Pearl, hands now on her hips and looking quite bored. "But don't get me wrong, I'm pretty off about her too. What about you Garnet?"

Pearl and Amethyst looked at their leader for any advice, who was still looking at the duo. Garnet adjusted visors as she spoke, "They'll be fine. Nothing to worry about."

The two gems sighed in relief and looked back at the duo. Amethyst took short seconds before walking into the kitchen to the fridge. Pearl eventually walked a bit closer to see the two better since they're now going upstairs to Steven's bedroom while Garnet already went back to the Burning room in the Temple.

"And this is my bedroom! It's where I usually sleep and play games and other fun stuff." Steven explained to the pink gem. The gem however was confused but still nodded her head, smiling slightly.

"Steven, it's getting late so go to bed soon but what about... Umm..." Pearl stopped, putting her hand under her chin. They didn't know what to call the pink gem yet.

Steven also noticed this and thought about it, humming. "Mmm, we didn't really give you a nickname, didn't we? So how abooouut..."

"How about Pinky?" Amethyst suddenly suggested, now beside Pearl with a burrito in her hand. Pearl and the pink gem, however, were a bit disturbed by the idea.

Little did they know that Spinel was really disturbed by that suggestion. It reminded her so much of her only friend. Well, since she's now on Earth, she might just find her here somewhere and maybe with the help with Steven or maybe the gems too.

This kinda made her wonder if there are more gems or are they her court? Ugh, she wishes she can talk to them right now.

"Umm, how about sssss-Ella! Yes, Ella. Is Ella a good name?" Pearl said wobbly, trying her best to be careful of her information.

"That's nice, Pearl!" Steven complimented and looked back at the pink gem. "What do you think? Pinky from Amethyst, Ella from Pearl, ooor... How about Bubbles from me!"

The pink gem took a moment to think but she eventually pointed at Steven, guessing that she probably likes Steven's nickname for her better. This made Steven gasp in delight.

"Meeeee! Alright, Bubbles. I'm guessing It's time for a Slumber Party!" Steven cheered, raising his fists in the air.

"Okay, Stee-man. Have fun." Amethyst said as she wanders off to her room in the Temple.

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