Chapter 6 - With Me

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Summary: Steven learns about fusion and tries to dance in sync. After some time, Steven introduced Connie to Spinel and they get along nicely but Steven & Connie eventually fused and Spinel gets dearly worried.
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"A five, six, seven, eight." Pearl said, snapping her fingers with each number she said.

Steven and Amethyst are trying to synchronize l but are mostly having fun and goofing around together.
Spinel was just sitting on the couch, watching them do this thing called "fusion" but is mostly reading the ASL book and not really paying attention.

Timepass, the gems tried their best to help Steven with the dances but so far, "I don't get it, I thought I almost had it." The boy said, now with a towel around his shoulders as he walks up near the counter.

"Nobody expects you to be able to perform fusion right away, Steven." Pearl said as she made her way behind the counter, leaning on it.

"Yeah! It's really hard, even for us." Amethyst added while she hops on top of the counter.

"Not for me." Garnet said calmly, leaning on the cabinets.

"We'll keep working on the dance for now, and who knows, in a few years..." Pearl paused, looking unsure, and ponders before speaking, "I wonder though if Steven's body is capable of fusion. Fusion merges the physical forms of gems, but Steven is half-human. He's organic."

"Organic?" Steven questions, looking at Pearl.

"Aw, come on! It's Steven! Who knows what's gonna happen?" Amethyst says mockingly, bouncing her arms before laughing hysterically.
Garnet made her way beside Amethyst, near the counter.

"Well, I think Steven could do it." Garnet said calmly and looked at Steven, still keeping a straight face.

Steven looked at Garnet with slight surprise until he looks at the ground, unsure before it darts to Spinel who is now laying on the couch.
When Spinel saw Steven staring at her, she slightly lowers her book and smiled at him before reading again. Steven returns the smile.

Suddenly, an upbeat tune fills the silence.

"Steven, is that your ringtone?" Pearl asks, glancing around to find the source of the sound.

"I'll get it!" The hybrid said, running up to his room. The phone was on top of the cabinet which is near his bed, charging peacefully before Steven plug it out and looked at his phone. "Oh, it's Connie!"

The gems smiled at the boy when he mentioned his friend before the three started discussing their fusion performance earlier.
Spinel was curious about the sound but then it stopped eventually, she was gonna go back to reading until she heard Steven talking. This made her walk up to Steven slowly while her eyes are glued to the book.

"Hi, Connie!" The boy said and waited, hearing her response while nodding and sometimes humming.

"Steven! Guess what? I'm free today! I was just wondering if you wanna hang out right now if you want?" Connie said excitedly before hearing Steven reply on the phone,

"Sure! Let's meet up at the beach? I-" Steven was gonna mention his experience earlier until he saw Spinel slowly walking up the stairs, distracted by her book. "Actually, can I bring a friend too? I think it would be nice if you meet her!"

"Oh, sure! The more the merrier, I guess! See you there, bye!" The girl said before hearing the phone hung up on the other side. Steven tucked his phone in his pocket as he runs up to Spinel, gently grabbing her hand which made her carry the book on her side with her free hand.

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