Chapter 2 - Warp Arrival (CUT 2)

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When Steven believes he sees something creepy traveling in the warp streams, the Gems try to ease his paranoia. The results brought them quite surprising. Even more so, that a homeworld gem is gonna be staying with them for a while.
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The Crystal Gems and Steven warped to the Galaxy Warp with a robonoid in Garnet's right hand while carrying Steven in the left. The robonoid eventually fell off of Garnet's grip and walked off to the Homeworld warp that has more robonoids swarming on it while oozing out a gooey, light green substance.

"What are they doing to the Homeworld warp?" Pearl asked while pointing her finger at the warp after they went close to it.

"There's a million of 'em," Amethyst stated, looking at Steven and Garnet and then back at the warp again. The warp pad was slowly getting covered by the now pastel green substance.

The used-to-be broken warp pad was now fully covered with a pastel green substance while the cracks are slowly sealing up. The Robonoids walked away from it, giving room. In a few seconds, the substance then disappeared, revealing that the warp pad was now fixed.

"They... Fixed it?" Amethyst said with worried eyes.

"What does that mean?" Steven asked, looking at Amethyst


His question was answered when the warp pad suddenly lit up. Everyone gasp.

Garnet took no time to waste and grabbed Steven the gems and slide into a hiding place behind a pillar. When the beam of the warp pad disappeared in a few seconds, there stood a green gem.

"Who is that?" Pearl whispered out.

"No idea," Garnet replied. The green gem's fingers started floating around, forming a hexagon shape with a screen projected in the middle. The green gem's index finger remained on her robotic hand, taping on the touch screen.

"Log date 312." She started as a robonoid climbed on her right shoulder. "This is Peridot, performing Earth hub maintenance check."

"Peridot," Steven repeated, he was peaking at the green gem on the edge until he descends to look at the other gems.
"Her name is Peridot." Amethyst and Pearl swiftly covered Steven's mouth to keep quiet.

"Warp repair a success," Peridot spoke again. "All 79 Flask Robonoids deployed and accounted for. Preparing to locate and manually reactivate Kindergarten-"

Peridot gasp and looked down at her feet. A broken-down robonoid was malfunctioning on her feet. Peridot looked at it oddly, as if it were some kind of mutant. Steven though smiled with stars in his eyes.

"Aww... The little ones are like her babies." He whispered out. Peridot wasn't getting any of that though and placed a foot on top of the machine.

She then put pressure on her foot and eventually crushed the robonoid, leaving it to pieces and a puddle of the oozy substance on the floor.
Steven saw this a gasp loudly but quickly covers his mouth. Pearl and Amethyst notice and gestured to get down and hide. He obeyed, shifting down with them.

"Now to access the domestic warp." She said and walked down the stairs of the warp and stopped on the ground.
"Huh?" She then spotted a sticker on the warp pad.

She leans down to see the image and hums at it. She then peals the sticker off the surface and gets a better look at it. If she knew what it was, it was a crying waffle from a show called Crying Breakfast Friends. her eyes widened at this and looks around.

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