Chapter 4 - Waiting

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Apologies, I was intending to post this second unfinished chapter one day after the previous... but I got distracted ;v;


Again, a little reminder, this version of the story is the one where Spinel warped in after Peridot and got knocked unconscious

It's also similar to Chapter 4 - Slumber Hurts

Enjoy or don't, just read it UvU

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Thoughts left mostly unanswered by Steven & The Gem's recent situation about Homeworld. There's nothing else to do but wait and let their minds spiral during the days.
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Seeing a bit of light shine through his eyelids, he began to slowly open and peak them. Not really feeling to get up, he groaned a little and tucked a bit more to sleep again. He remembered something though...

Right, the homeworld gem thing. Two of them came here. One left and one stayed, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with the other one. The pink one. Her appearance was... Not good. Something bad probably happened to her to make her look that way.

Whatever it is, he hopes to find out soon and maybe help her. He guesses he should get up then, maybe even check if it's real, even though he knows it was. Was it?

Steven's eyes tried to open again, lifting his hand closer to rub the sand off his eyes. He lets the sunlight shine through and slowly sits up before stretching his arms out, yawning.

After feeling himself now awake, he gets up and goes to the stairs to see– "Hey, Pearl!"

Pearl was near the gem, thinking about something with a green comb, Steven barely uses, in her hand until her thoughts were interrupted by Steven's greeting.

"Oh, good morning, Steven!" He starts going downstairs, now on the living room floor. "How was your sleep?"

"It was pretty good! How about you? Did anything happened?" He glanced at the gem who was sleeping peacefully on the couch, laying with a blanket comfortably wrapped around her.

"Nothing so far," She sighed. She tapped the comb, she's still holding, on her chin as she thoughtfully speaks. "I was thinking of what I should do with her hair though."

The gem's pink hair was now loose, now in two ponytails flowing on her shoulders that used to be messy buns. They even look much lighter now, seeing her color in a bright pink hue.

"Ugh, stop with the hair, P! Just leave it." A fridge that got closed was heard in the kitchen. Amethyst walked over to sit on the stool near the counter with a burrito in hand. "It looks fine anyway."

"To you at least." She replies on the edge of annoyance but still kept her cool. "Oh, forget it, I'll just try to fix it another time."

"Like I said, 'leave it.' Been a while since you took my advice." Pearl huffed.

"Ugh, I wasn't taking your advice! I said I will fix it another time, I will only leave it like this for now."

Amethyst just shrugged with an "Eh, whatever " before taking a big bite of her burrito, not really in the mood to have a "lecture" with Pearl again, especially right now.

"She looks nice, Pearl! You did a good job." He compliments, moving a few hair strands off the face of the gem as she still dozes off to sleep. His expression softens when he caught the gem's lips forming a weak smile.

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