Chapter 9 - Home Discussion

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GE is continuing Lost and Found?!


But I am updating it for closure reasons

I did say I would post some extras in case I still have thoughts for this fic I wanna share despite the discontinuation

But I haven't thought up anything cus I was too engrossed at my new AU at that time, which is Change Drifts btw, go check it out... pls–

BUT I have been digging up some of the digital notes in my old phone, the phone I used when I was writing this fic at the time, and I of course found some two unfinished chapters I haven't published yet

NOTE that it is unfinished,

Which means this chapter doesn't have an ending (except for maybe the second chapter I will post next, but I intended to write more with it so I'ma not make it count)

Instead, you'll read a continuation of each of the two versions of this very beta story...

Before ending at the part where I stopped writing it

Quick summary: version one is where Spinel warps in first before Peridot. And the second one is when she warped in after Peridot. The first one has Spinel hanging out with Steven & the gems, and the second has Spinel knocked unconscious, lol

Aight, enough dawdling, here's ur undercooked food

Enjoy or don't, just read it

__________ __________ __________
After one day of Steven's test resulted in Spinel can finally talk, the gems are ready to question and gather information about the pink, innocent Homeworld gem.
__________ __________ __________

It was quiet and peaceful. Ever since Spinel's nightmare, Steven still suggested sleeping beside her for comfort. She can talk to him now but it seems that she doesn't want to talk about why she wants to sleep during the dark and agreed on the excuse of being scared of it instead.

The excuse kinda sounds unrealistic but it was too small for Steven to even look through it.

And even though he didn't get to sleep on his soft bed, he seems to like the rubber feeling... Wait, the rubber feeling again??? He also feels something touching his hair, it feels nice though, like wind rustling through his brown locks.

Smiling and enjoying this feeling, he snuggles close, wanting this comfort to continue.


When Spinel woke up by light streaming through her eyes, the heartwarming thing she saw was Steven laying on her lap. This wasn't the first time this happens to her but she still felt the same odd feeling she had the first time before, a feeling of warmth.

Now loving the gesture, she hesitantly but rustled his soft, curly hair. Steven seems to like this gesture, he even smiles slightly in his sleep before Steven then starts to cuddle a little more on her lap, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Spinel's lips smiled more, maybe also having a tint of darker color in her cheeks.

"Ahem" A forced cough suddenly filled the silence, it was from Pearl smiling at her. Wait, where did she come from!?
"Good morning Spinel." She whispers to her. "Look, I just wanted to say that... Well... It's just nice seeing you too hang out together. After seeing you two back at the fountain, I realized how... Bonded you two are. Maybe literally?"

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