Chapter 3 - Senseless Visitor (CUT 2 of Slumber Heartly)

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Steven & The Gems started getting worried about the homeworld gem that is lying unconscious with them, wondering a lot about their past, the present, and the future as well.
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The warp pad lit up, teleporting them to a different setting.

"We're here," Pearl announced, sounding a bit tired. At least she's calm now.

There stood the Temple, where the infinity rooms are in. And another, attached with it, stood the beach house they build for their human hybrid, Steven. Filled with human needs.

"So, we're really just gonna let her stay here?" Amethyst asked with a slight yell but mostly has a hint of worry.

Garnet started walking to the living room as Steven followed her, leaving Amethyst behind with Pearl answering her question. "For now, probably. But we'll need to figure out what to do next when she wakes up. Who knows what she might do?"

While the two were discussing, Garnet gently placed the unconscious gem on the couch. This allowed them to observe her again. Steven walked closer, kneeling near the couch.

Seeing her face clearly,

She doesn't look tired anymore, more relaxed now. She probably hadn't had a good rest since gems don't usually sleep, maybe never even. "I hope she's doing okay."

Garnet gently placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "She'll be fine, she just needs some time to rest."

"Steven, I think, it's better, you should go to bed now," Pearl says to him, now beside Garnet with Amethyst.

Steven groaned with his head, lifted back.
"Aww, Okay..." And starts going upstairs to his bedroom.

"Should we just leave her here? With Steven?" Amethyst questions them. Pearl snapped back to look at her,

"What? No, of course not. Someone is gonna keep an eye on her in case she wakes up of course." She replied to her, a little is disturbed as to why would she thought of that.

"Well, who's gonna do it then?"

Pearl just thought about it, looking at the pink gem. "I guess I should do it, I was the one saying I should clean her up."

"Mmm, alright I guess. Hope you'll do well." And then Amethyst starts walking to her room while waving at someone, "Bye, Steven!"

He waved back, now in yellow pajamas. "Good night, Amethyst!"

Garnet was also thinking, fully lost in thought until she heard Steven's voice and walks to the Burning Room at the Temple without a word. Now Pearl was left in the living room with Steven and a new gem. A pink one.

"Alright Steven, now go to sleep when you're ready." She says as she walks near the gem, thinking what to do next.

"Okay. Oh wait, I forgot to brush my teeth." Steven runs downstairs and to the bathroom to clean up a little before going to bed, leaving Pearl standing thoughtfully in the living room.

Pearl stopped thinking while looking at the gem, seeing Steven closing the door in the bathroom. She was mostly planning on just being with the gem alone. But maybe she'll just play along for now until Steven is done, and then she can be alone with her.

Pearl walked up to the door before giving it a knock while calling, "Uh, Steven?"


"Is it okay if I go inside the bathroom to clean the gem up?" Steven then opened the door, visibly seeing foamy toothpaste in his mouth.

"Yeah, it's fine. I was just gonna brush my teeth anyway."

Steven went back inside the room while Pearl walked up to the gem before picking her up and carried her, going inside the bathroom with the gem in her arms and gently places her in the empty bathtub.
Steven was still brushing his teeth while watching them come in, thinking to himself as well.
Pearl picks the shower off its hanging place and is now holding it in her hand until noticing Steven is looking distracted, making it a bit longer for him to stay here.

"Ahem, are you done, Steven?" He snapped back into reality and quickly continued what he was doing.

"Oh-um, n-not yet! S-sorry about that." He apologizes, a bit muffled by the bubbled toothpaste in his mouth.

Pearl smiled softly. "It's okay, Steven. I'm..." A frown was now visible on her lips, looking at the gem with her. "Kind of scared too,"

Steven stopped, now with gurgled water in his mouth before spitting it out, listening curiously to Pearl.

"How come?" He says to her as he slowly walked closer and kneeled beside her with a comforting smile. Pearl's matched his smile before continuing,

"Well, It's been years since we have some kind of interaction with homeworld. I guess that's why we were terrified and tried to take Lapis away." Pearl looked back at Steven with an apologetic smile. "Uh-sorry about that, by the way."

"It's alright, I guess I was scared too. I just... Don't know much about homeworld." Steven frowned with the laying gem in his sight. "You guys weren't really open to tell me and left me to find out myself sometimes. I wish I could be trustworthy enough for you to be."

"Oh, but Steven, you are!" She paused, setting the shower aside. "Well, sometimes- but that's not just the reason. We just really wanted to protect you and the Earth. We don't want to lose you... I don't want to lose you."
Pearl looked down at him, looking something at him, under his shirt, where it's placed. She misses her but right now, she has him. And take care of him, for her.
Her eyes were getting a bit teary, but she wiped them off before they can flow out as she continued, "And also, it might be a lot for you to handle. Too much at once might only hurt you. I mean, look at me, I was panicking just earlier."

They both laughed softly, the tension leaving a bit off on their shoulders. They went through a comfortable silence, both looking softly at the gem just across them. They're all scared, but at least they're scared together. They need to open a lot more often, it feels nice...

Pearl then suddenly got her spirits up, clasping her hands together, startling Steven a little bit, and back to reality. "Well, I guess I need to do my thing now! Are you done, Steven?"

"Oh, yeah, I guess I am. Good night, Pearl!"

"Night, Steven!"

He got up and left her in the room and walked up to his bedroom, flopped onto his bed. He looks blanc at the ceiling, thinking about what Pearl just said to him. 'We don't want to lose you...'
Thinking about her loving words made him smile. He tucked in a bit more comfortably with his blanket until his eyes fluttered,

Closing in shut and falls asleep.

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Authors Note:
I think Pearl and Steven's bond is another favorite thing of mine now... I got something in my eye. *sniff*

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