Chapter 7 - Having Fun

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Summary: Stevonnie explores around, having fun with Spinel... Until it doesn't.
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Stevonnie jumped off a high cliff into the ocean. Spinel finally catches up with Stevonnie, panting with hands on her knees on the edge of the cliff before seeing her floating on the ocean waiting for her.

"Come on Spinel, the water's great!" They happily giggle while trying to not get pushed away from the current and waves so they can swim with Spinel when she jumps down.

Spinel did jump on the water before during her warp arrival but this ocean is... Moving? And it's scary for some reason. She just doesn't like it.

"It's okay, trust me!" Spinel paused. Trust  them? She took a few seconds taking soft breathes until she backed up a little bit before running over the edge.

"Yeeeaaahh!!!" Though Spinel can't scream while falling, Stevonnie did it for her with arms raised while cheering. "You did it!" The fusion said, swimming closer to hug Spinel after she swam up to the surface.

Spinel felt warm – literally and figuratively – at this, being a stunt rag doll while this beautiful creature hugs her. The fusion, unfortunately, broke the hug and went back to swimming while laughing joyfully. Spinel had kinda had a hard time floating at the surface with the waves so she dived down under the ocean.

The view underwater was a sight. The aesthetic color, the flowy movements, and even some small fishes that manage to get this close to the shore. But despite the winning looks, Spinel kept her focus on her companion. Even a fish swam in front of her and yet she still kept her gaze on the being who is enjoying herself.
They eventually arrived at the shore. Stevonnie giggling, still floating on the water while Spinel went up to just sat on the sand, watching her admiringly.

Stevonnie's stomach then grumbles, making them get up. They looked back at Beach City behind them then their eyes landed on the Big Donut shop.

"Hey, Spinel? Can you wait for me for a while? I'm gonna go get a donut at the Big Donut okay?" The fusion says as they walks to her destination while looking at Spinel before running off.

This caught Spinel's attention, big time! The fear crawled her entire form and quickly tries to catch up with Stevonnie to this "Big Donut," not really wanting to be left alone again.


There stood two teens, Sadie and Lars, at the counter in the middle of an... Odd conversation? What are they two bickering about? It kinda doesn't matter anymore since the ringtone of the door activated, signaling that someone entered the building.

A woman walked in and flips her hair gracefully before squeezing the liquid out of her hair. A muffled plastic glass thud suddenly came beyond the door. A pink person was on the other side, rubbing her nose as if she just ran into the door.

"Oh, Spinel! I guess you wanted to come then," She says as she opens the door for her. The pink person quickly runs inside, distressed, and held her hand in hers which quickly made her calm down.

They eventually walk up to the counter, the woman leading her friend hand in hand. Both Sadie and Lars stare at her with wide, admiring eyes as she walks up to the counter.

"H-How can I help... me?" Lars stammers out, blushing as the woman walks closer.

"Three donuts, please." Lars grabs a bag and puts three best donuts in, his eyes darting back and forth to see his actions and the woman. Lars eventually places the packed bag of donuts on the counter, still blushing and admiring.

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