Chapter 1- So you've decided to help

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Tony and a little girl walked towards a house, he turned and saw a Black Audi pull up. Nat, Steve, Scott, and Clara stepped out. Clara went inside, she wanted to see Virginia 'Pepper' Potts, "Hey Pep, still have pepper spray in your handbag, because if so, have you used it on Tony yet?".


"Good to see you".

"Right back at you. My lord you've grown".

"Pepper, it's been five years. If I haven't grown I'm either sick or I was snapped away".

She nodded and offered her a glass of water. Clara took it and nodded in thanks, "You look more and more like your mother every day, except your eyes, those are your dad's".

"Yeah, they are".

"Never did ask how old you are if your parents only met eight years before the snap?".

"Never asked", Pepper nodded.

"Clara! Let's go!", came a yell.

"Bye", Clara waved as she walked to the car, "Nat, can we stay?".

"There's nothing for us here, kiddo".


"Yeah kiddo?", Natasha answered as Steve quickly moved his head to look at Clara in the backseat.

"First things first, Steven, eyes on the road. Second, can I drive?".

"Not in a million years".

"I got my learners this year".

"But you don't have them yet".

"Nat, I got them last month".

"You get them next week".

"Your brains aren't working".

Nat shook her head, they pulled up to the diner. The adults walked in, Nat and Steve handed Clara some money. She brought some cookies, a slice of red velvet cake, and a garden salad. The redhead sat down and Scott tried to grab my cookies, "Mine", she slapped his hand.

He looked at her and she glared back. Smart Hulk and the older people talked about something. Soon the four were back in the car and they were off.

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