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In which a mother and daughter riddled with grief create a realty were everything is perfect.

In which a mother and daughter riddled with grief create a realty were everything is perfect

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"Love you, boys".

"Love you too, Clare-Bear"

"Love you too, sissy"

"I could've never asked for better little brothers

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"I could've never asked for better little brothers. You were supposed to annoy me and make me want to rip my hair out and commit double homicide. But instead you let me help you with your little school problems, you let me play games with the two of you. Hell, you two even let me do your hair and makeup when I wasn't feeling well. We would play tag, even though Tommy was a big cheater, we would play hide and seek, which as we all know, I'm best at, we would argue over who got the tv remote, and somehow it was always Billy who ended up guilting us into giving him the remote"

 "I promise, someday, you won't be connected to the Hex, someday I'll take you to get shwarma, someday we can run in a field and use our powers together. It may not be today but I promise, I'll make it happen"

The child who loses it it all, before 16. Shall be the most powerful being.

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