Chapter 2- Holy hell Scott's a baby

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There was talking and people huffing and stomping around. "Somebody peed my pants".

"Baby you, you-you or old you?", Clara questioned, picking her nails.


Natasha dragged Clara to her room, "Quickly change, we have to go".

"But I wanna see Bruce stuff up time travel again".

"Go", Natasha pushed her into her room, "Dress warm!".

The Quinjet touched down, "Stay here, Clara, it's dangerous".

"I've been in more dangerous situation's Nat".

"I lost my daughter, I'm not losing you too, so sit your ass down and wait".

Clara walked around the jet, found some food, which wasn't great, but she was hungry and bored, next she pretended to pilot the ship, finally she stepped onto the steps, just outside the door. When she saw figures approaching her she ran inside, sat down and started singing, "Ten green bottles of milk on the wall, ten green bottles of milk. Take one down and pass it around nine bottles of milk on the wall. Nine green bottles of milk on the-".

"We saw you outside, young lady", Natasha scolded, "What happened to staying inside, it could've been enemy's".

"Well, I ate, I pretended to fly the ship, so I got bored and decided to quickly get air?".

"Are you telling me or asking me?", Natasha narrowed her eyes.

"Telling", Clara nodded.

"Sounds like you were asking, little red".

"Clint? Nat is that Clint?", Natasha nodded, "Clint!", Clara squealed and launched herself at him, "I missed you".

"Missed you too", Clint placed an over dramatic kiss to her forehead.

The remaining Avengers sat in the meeting room. Scott and Tony waited, with baited breath, to break the news to the girl, who despite how hard she tried to stop it, was still sensitive. Nebula and Rocket sat on the couches, waiting for the redhead to step through the door and strangle them with hugs. Thor was sitting, seemingly asleep. "Nat! Put me down!", echoed throughout the compound.

The door swung open, Clint quickly stepped into the room, "Incoming".

Clara was pummeling Natasha's back with her fist, the elder had the child thrown over her shoulder, "Put me down!".

Natasha dropped the child on the ground, she grumbled and stood up. "Baby Witch!", Rocket yelled before wrapping his arms around her.

Nebula walked over and embraced the girl after prying Rocket off her, "Hello, Nebula".

"Hello, Clara".

She jumped up on the table and swung her legs back and forth, "Off".

"Sod off, Tony, I sit on tables all the time and Nat doesn't care", Clara snapped before getting a pillow thrown at her.

"We're going, you go to bed", Tony said to her before pulling her off the table and towards her room.


"Go Clara", Tony pointed to the door.

"Tony! Let the kid go, she can make the decision, only if she knows the consequences", Natasha called before throwing a suit at the child, "Five minutes and then I'll do something with your hair".

"That is the messiest braid I've ever done", Natasha groaned as they walked to the time travel machine.

Clara flicked the slightly crooked braid over her shoulder, strands of hair flying everywhere, "It's fine, I like it".

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