Chapter 2- Don't Touch That Dial

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WandaVision Wa-WandaVision

WandaVision Wa-WandaVision

WandaVision Wa-WandaVision



Clara yelled out in frustration as a pillow landed on her face, "C'mon Miss. Ballet Dancer".

"We saw The Nutcracker once, stop bullying me about my name".

Each girl stood in either pants and blouses or dresses, all in various colours, "We have school, we should get their early".

"Ooo, since when does Courtney Jones want to get to school early?", Natalie teased.

"Since Clara here has to yell at James".

A plaid dress, in dark shades, and black heels were thrust in Clara's face, along with demands that she get changed. "I can picture his face now", Courtney giggled.

Natalie tugged Clara down on her vanity chair after she finished getting dressed and applied the smallest amount of makeup. She then brushed her cousins' hair and started to tease it upwards, adding hairspray where needed before brushing it out smooth and adding a lot of hairspray to keep it in place and put and black headband on Clara's head. The group walked downstairs.

"Darling, that's your cue".

"Did you say, "Cabinet of Mysteries?".

"I said, "The Cabinet of Mysteries!".

"We're going!", Clara yelled as they walked out the door.

"Bye girls, see you at dinner!", Wanda yelled back.

Tammy closed the door on Clara's parents, "Well, at least we don't have maths today".

When the four arrived Clara spotted Martha and James, her boyfriend James, leaning against his bike, kissing. She stormed over, humiliated, and tapped the boy's shoulder, "Hey".

He turned and looked like a deer in headlights, "You aren't-".

"Supposed to get here till later, mhm. Things don't go according to plan, James, I'm going to assume from the smug smirk on her face that this has been going on for a while. I'm going to save myself further humiliation by saying that we are done".

She walked away before turning, "Take your stupid jacket back", and shoved the article of clothing into his arms.

"I'm sure Aunt Wanda would understand if we skipped", Natalie tried.

"No way, we have Mrs. Garrison today", Clara muttered, "I'm staying".

When the final bell rang the girls raced to the park to see Vision flipping cards at a inhuman speed, he held up the last one, "Is this your card?".

"Oh, it is!".

"It is what?".

"It's my card".

"Well, pardon me, Herb. Have it back", Vision slapped the card onto Herb's chest.

"Yeah, something's wrong with him", Clara declared.

"Didn't notice", Bec joked.

They sat and watched before Clara's head started spinning, she groaned as she appeared in a box, which opened to a round of applause. "I want some serious payment for that", Clara whispered to her mother.

"Keep trying honey, your not getting anything".

"But I feel sick now mom, I feel like I'm gonna hurl".


They bow, "Let's get outta here!", Vision yelled.

They run backstage to find the girls waiting for them, "Sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid".

"Vis? Vis, it's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. But what is going on with you?".

"I have no idea. I've been feeling weirdy all day!".

"Okay. Okay. Okay", Wanda waves her hand around Vision and frowns when his stomach rumbled.


Wanda quickly got Vision to regurgitate the gum with magic and before they all knew it they were at home, watching Bewitched. "For the children. Well, I think the children might need some popcorn", Wanda said getting up, causing the teenagers to cheer at the mention of popcorn.

"Wanda", Vision gasped as the girls sat with slack mouths.

"Hmm, what?", Wanda turned around, with a pregnant belly.

"Vision... Is this really happening?".

"Yes, my love. It's really happening".

They move to kiss as the girls giggle with excitement, "Stay here, we'll be right back", Wanda warned the teenagers.

"Vision... Is this really happening?".

"Yes, my love. It's really happening".

They kiss as the friends look at each other before gasping, "Oh my God!".

"Clara, your eyes", Natalie gushed.

"Your hair", Clara responded as they marveled at the colours.

"Hm, what's up with all the purple I'm wearing", Tammy shrugged.

"Why are me and Court wearing the exact same colours?", Bec questioned.

"Vision", Wanda chuckles lightly.

The house is soon turned into colour, Wanda is revealed to be wearing red, and Vision, a blue vest and brown pants.

The girls walk upstairs, saying goodnight and entered the yellow room, "Oh no, this needs to be changed immediately", Clara stated as they all agreed, that was tomorrow's job, for now, they needed to sleep.

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