Chapter 8: The Series Finale

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Clara and Wanda grunted and struggled to free themselves. Clara felt the air get knocked out of her lungs as she dropped to the ground, Agnes slammed her against the wall before flicking her hands. Clara screamed and looked at her mother as vines emerged from the walls and bound themselves around her arms, rendering her arms unusable, "Don't want to take that risk, do we, toots?", Agnes smiled.

"Now Wanda, Vision was gone, but you wanted him back. You wanted your family back". 

Tears streamed down Clara's face as she stared at Agnes, her eyes flashed a dark blue before she appeared in the white room again, "That won't work on me toots, you forget I taught you how to use your magic".

Agnes' voice echoed around the room, Clara looked around, eyes wide, before being thrown out of the room. Her back slammed against the wall again, her head following, tears trickled down her face as she cringed. Wanda looked behind her, worry in her eyes before Agnes flicked her hand so Wanda would face her again. "This is chaos magic, Wanda. That makes you the Scarlet Witch. And you, Clara, sweet little Clara, use dark magic, extremely rare, the both of you. You're the Midnight Enchantress, the Black Necromancer, you exist in every culture. You're myths".

Wanda and Agnes disappeared, Clara a few seconds behind, Tommy and Billy were held in purple tendrils, being choked, "Let them go!"

Agnes dropped the boys, "Go to your room", Wanda yelled at them.

"No way, we're staying with you".

"Listen to your mother, boys", Agnes mocked.


"I take power from the undeserving, it's kinda my thing", Clara tuned out as Agnes continued to talk to her mother.

She could see a group of witches behind Agnes, they looked withered and almost skeletal, "Hello?"

She stepped towards them, they snapped their heads to the teen, "The Black Necromancer", they hissed as they pointed.

The red-head gulped and turned to her mother, she wasn't there, "Mama?"

"She can't help you", Clara decided this was the eldest one, her hair was almost white.

"Who can?"

She received no answer, she turned again and jumped, the old women had surrounded her, their arms raised, "You are a danger".

Clara gulped and ducked down, kicked her leg out and into one of the, what she now assumed, witches. The old woman collapsed, Clara started running, stepping over the witches face with her shoe. She blinked and watched the world turn a dark blue, "No!"

She turned to see the witches behind her, screaming as the world around them changed, she felt her hair lift from her neck and weave into a hairstyle. Clara lifted a hand and felt two tight dutch braids. A black hood placed itself on her head, suddenly she could hear her feet hitting the ground louder than before. Dark coloured boots hit the pavement as she ran, desperate to find help. The teen suddenly face-planted, "Shit, shit, shit!"

She went to turn to the witches to find they weren't there, she pushed herself off the ground and scanned the area, Agnes was on top of a building as her mother yelled at her from the ground, "Nice costume kid, bit late for halloween though?", someone questioned as they walked past.


Clara looked down and almost fell over again, "This is not what I put on this morning!"

She had black gloves on her hands that went all the way to her elbow, a  dark blue skin tight tank top flowed out into a little mini skirt that stopped mid-thigh. She had plain black tights on and upon closer inspection very dark midnight blue boots. Dark blue mist settled around her finger tips,  "Mama!"

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