Chapter 5- The Illuminati

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Anastacia laughed softly as children ran around her, excitedly talking about the day they had had. Melania  stood to the side, dejected, nobody wanted to talk to her, she was Hades' creation. Her dark hair shifted slightly, a warning, suddenly children screamed, Anastacia was on the ground. 

Anastacia laughed haughtily at Gaia's request, "And what makes you think I will do such a thing?"

"Babylon falling will ensure the next generation-".

"This is all some game to ensure Melania and I aren't the last of our kind?"

"It's fulfilling a prophecy; you both will drift apart, start your own family's and so on. Eventually, your line will die out, the Midnight Enchantress as they call her in her time, hadn't been seen for years, and suddenly a young girl possesses your power. Her mother possesses Melania's power, they will either save or destroy the world, Anastacia".


Clara could hear a faint thrumming, and America yelling and hitting something. She slapped her hands on the ground, noticing the contraptions around her wrists, "Fuck me man, I'm not a fucking convict, this seems a little excessive".


Clara looked at the lady in the lab coat and groaned, "Screw my life".

"Hello, Stephan", the woman answered.

"Hey, Christine, can I pretty please have these bracelets off?"

"No can do, Clara".

"Ay Dios", America muttered.

"Miss Chavetz", Christine turned to America.

"Uh, to answer your question, you're in a highly secure research facility. The three of you, along with your sentient cloak are here for surveillance and testing".


"Great so I'm some kid of lab rat now, thanks, living out the dream".

"Well, yes. You're visitors from another universe. Your magnetic signatures could be radioactive. You may be carrying diseases we just don't have treatments for. Hence these amazing poly carbonate fishbowls"

"Right. So, I have you to thank for these then", Stephan gestured to his brackets.

"Yes, I developed those using the Sands of Nisanti. One of Stephen's magical relics".

"Stephen. Is that some kinda cyborg me?"

"Our universe is 838. And we've designated yours 616"

"Oh. You guys sure must know a lot about the Multiverse. You got someone going around naming realities".

"Yes. Me. My senior phoned the Baxter Foundation, and I specialize in Multiversal research".

Clara walked up close to the glass, "Cool, how do I get home?"

"So, how'd you end up working here? Wherever here is"

"Oh, I volunteered. At your funeral".

"That got really dark, really fast", Clara murmured.

"Thank you for going".

"Never thought I'd see the day when the dead thank someone for going to their funeral", Clara started rambling.

"Your injuries, they're... They're similar, but they're not identical. It's fascinating".

"What were we, to each other in this universe?"

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