Chapter 6- I don't know if I can bring you back

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When Clara came to the first thing she heard was Stephan's voice, "All right, Book... Give me what I need", he said as he walked up to the glowing book and grabbed it.

Suddenly Clara was no longer floating horizontally in the air, her knees crashed on the pretty mosaic floor, she winced as she stood. Christine wrapped her arms around Clara to keep her steady. The teenager's head whipped around as she stumbled out of Christine's grip when America went tumbling back to Wanda, who had suddenly appeared. Both her and Stephan shot blasts of magic at Wanda, but she shot them right back, the three fell as the Book of Vishanti disintegrated, Christine and Stephan were pulled to their feet and bound by tendrils of red magic. "Mother! What are you doing!"

All it took was one look from Wanda for Clara to suddenly look like herself in the Hex, well the version she was when Agatha kidnapped her brothers. America unconsciously opened a portal, Wanda sent Christine and Stephan through before going back to feeding her magic into America's head, forcing the portal to become what she wanted. She threw America through before launching her daughter into a wall of the temple. Wanda was on a pedestal, dreamwalking, other Wanda suddenly awoke and raced off to her children. "This isn't what your children would want", America said as Wanda walked up to her.

Wanda launched magic at America, binding her before lifting her to the table she was occupying previously. Clara stood, head pounding, knees shaking, she flicked her wrists and changed back into her Midnight Enchantress costume. "They'll never know", Wanda said as she stalked around the table to America's head.

"They won't, but you and I will, Wanda", Clara spat.

Wanda's head snapped towards her daughter, hurt etched into her features, "No, no, no, no, no. Clara, baby, I'm momma".

"No, you haven't been 'momma' since the hex. The twins wouldn't want this! Dad wouldn't-", Clara was cut off by red magic snaking it's way around her neck and chocking her.

"Don't you dare bring him into this! I am your mother and I am trying to bring this family back together!"

Clara's face was going blue, "You're about to be down a husband and three kids if you don't let her go", America snapped.

Wanda let go of her and pulled her hands to her mouth as she watched the one thing that was keeping her grounded gasp for air as she clutched at her throat, she had caused it. 

Clara suddenly collapsed, eyes rolling backwards. The white room surrounded her, Tony, Vision, Pietro, Billy, and Tommy, all stood behind Agatha, "Clara!"

Against her better judgement the red-head launched herself at her mentor, "Agatha!"

"We're all at the Clint Barton's property, come find us after, but for now, tell your mother this. Everything she is trying to force is already here by nature, by the will of the gods. Tell her if she keeps this up she will be the first Scarlet Witch in history to not join her family in heaven but to be thrown into Tartarus, you understand?"

Clara nodded as the room melted away, she managed to say one last thing, "You may be considered evil, but you're a better mother than Wanda is currently. Thank you, Agatha, I love you".

America screamed as Wanda ripped the magic from her, Clara stood her on her feet as the table glowed a bright red. "Wanda! Stop! You don't need to do this to get what you want, they're here, they're already here! You'll be thrown in Tartarus if you don't stop, you'll never seen any of us when we die!"

Her pleads fell on deaf ears, Clara hated this, she hated her mother, she hated Thanos, she hated herself, why couldn't she be enough for her mother? What was wrong with her that her own mother couldn't be content with her child, the only one who she had got to properly raise, the only one she got to send off to school and watch her make friends without force. Something had to be wrong with her if her own mother, the woman who had gone through 20 gruelling hours of labour to hold her in her arms and call her a perfect baby even through she was all pink and wrinkly and her head was squashed, to ignore her while she destroyed lives. 

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