Chapter 3- Rescue Mission

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Agatha, Billy, and Tommy sat with Wong in the New York Sanctum, which was closer and easier to meet up in. "So you believe-"

"We know. You saw her", Agatha cut him off, "Her and Wanda need to sort out their differences before they kill each other, which means we have to find Clara, and fast".

"Who are they?"

"We're the kids Wanda's trying to bring back, technically we're not supposed to be here", Billy answered.

"Wanda created you in the anomaly?"

Tommy nodded as he continued, "Clara brought us back not that long ago, we're supposed to be staying with Tony and Dad in-"

"Auburn Village", Agatha gasped, "That's where all the relatives of the Midnight Enchantress, the current one, live until she joins them and moves or starts her own settlement in the afterlife".

Wong nodded as he pulled out a dusty tome, "Let's start reading the myths about them".


Clara, America, and Stephan were still in the Multiverse, in some random world, the three stood at a crossing, Strange went to cross at the green light but Clara blocked him with her arm, "They go on red?"

Strange asked as Clara nodded, " Rule number one of Multiversal travel? You don't know anything", America told him as they started to cross the road.

"Right. It's red. So, what's rule number two? America? America?"

She skipped off somewhere, leaving Clara with Stephan, "You're still in your costume thing".

Clara shrugged as America came bounding back over, two plates of pizza balls in hand, she passed on the Clara who nodded in thanks, "Rule number two? Find food. Preferably, pizza. Pizza balls", America grinned as she held her plate up.

"How'd you pay for that?"

Clara rolled her eyes, "It was free. Food's free in most universes, actually. It's weird you guys have to pay for it", America answered.

"Are you sure it's free or you just take it and nobody notices?"

America gave Clara a look which caused them to giggle lightly. "Hey. You didn't pay for that!"

The pizza vendor yells, "I told you", Clara sang as she and America looked at him.

"Crap. Maybe it's not free".

"Pizza Poppa always gets paid!"

"Alright, Pizza Poppa. Relax, she's just a kid..."

Stephan moved forwards, "Relax yourself there, Doctor Strange. Where did you get this cape from anyway? Oh, that feels authentic".

" It's not a cape, it's a cloak. And I suggest you let go".

"You took this whole suit from the Strange Museum, didn't ya?"

"Strange Museum?"

"You're a taker. Why don't you take some mustard, huh?!"

America and Clara looked at each other as Stephan cast a spell on Pizza Poppa, "Come on. It's not permanent".

They started to rush away, "Is it gonna stop in a few minutes?"

Stephan looked at America before looking straight ahead, "About three weeks. Those universes we went through, were we paint in one of them?"

"Yeah. You don't wanna get stuck in there. It's really hard to eat"

"I bet", Clara scoffed.

"How many universes have you been through?"

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