Time for a Talk

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"Skylar sweetie come on , i've made you a cup of tea , come down in a minute OK" Kira's voice was

soft as she woke me up from my peaceful sleep.

I had gone to her house after the whole thing with Stacey the slag , i had told Kira everything

from Nixon raping me , to me and Dylan dating and yes i even told her about me and him

having sex , she didn't mind though she just asked if we had used protection. I also told her why

i was here and that Stacey had called me a whore because Dylan had given me a hickey.

"Oh how i would i've  to kick the shit out of Stacey , the stuck up little bitch , no one in the whole

world can call you a whore" Kira was fuming , her face had begun to red with anger.

"Kira , it's fine don't worry , if i really wanted to i could stay with Dylan because his mum and

dad don't mind , but I'm not gonna let Stacey win this , I'm not just gonna disappear like she

wants me to , I'm sticking around to the very end".

"Skylar , I'm so proud of you , and if you ever need anywhere to go you know that my door is

always open and you have your own key OK , i don't care if you come barging through the door

at one o'clock in the morning , the only thing that i care about is that you are safe and not hurt"

"Thank you so much Kira , i love you" I started to cry , Kira held me close to her chest.

"I love you too Skylar" She was rubbing my back , trying to comfort me , i honestly don't know

what i would do if Kira wasn't here , whenever i had a problem i would always come to her , she

didn't care if it was about the silliest thing , like when i didn't know what to wear for a party

that i was going to , or the time that i couldn't work out how to do some of my homework and i

came round to her's asking for help.

"I don't what i would do without you Kira"  "Crash and burn baby" , I started laughing when she

said that.

! I probably would , you have helped me so much and , i am so grateful for that"

"Sweetie , it's OK you know that i am always here for you no matter what"

She moved her arm's from around me and walked over to the kitchen grabbing her coat and

handbag , shoving her Mobile in the back pocket.

"Skylar , i got to go to work now and i won't be back until around ten tonight because i am doing

a bit of over time , but you are more than welcome to stay here if you want , you know where

everything is , so you can make whatever you want to eat"

"Thanks Kira" I walked over to her we hugged and i kissed her on the cheek.

Soon she was out the door and i was in her house alone , i dropped down on to the sofa and

turned on the TV , but soon turned it off when there was nothing on besides a load of repeats and

old boring movies that no one actually watches.

I checked the time to see that i was half eleven , i got up from the sofa and went up stair to

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