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All eyes were on me , staring , just watching as i shuffled out of the front seat of the car. Placing my feet firmly on the ground i stood up ignoring all the burning stares i was getting off the people who were looking at me. I pulled my bag on to my shoulders , slamming the car door shut.

Walking towards the benches where me and Raven normally met, i felt an arm wrap it's self around my waist pulling me closer to the person i was next to . I looked to my side to see that the arm belonged to Nixon , he was looking straight at me with a small smile on his face.

"SKYLAR OVER HERE YOU SLUT!!"  I looked in the direction that the familiar voice had come from and saw Raven , her normally tied up jet black hair was flowing down her back .

"Hey , u OK?" My voice was still a little croaky from crying myself to sleep the night before. "Yeah i'm all good , soo errm if you don't mind me asking WHY THE FUCK DOES HE HAVE HIS SLEAZY ARM AROUND YOUR WAIST!!!!!"  Her loud voice had attracted the attention of some of Nixon's friends , who started heading over to us. Once they were close enough i recognised them all  it was Chase , Nate and Max. They looked as shocked by Nixon's arm around my waist as Raven had.

"ermm we- you see" Before i could say another word Nixon interrupted me "Well if you haven't guessed yet me and Skylar are together , i asked her last night if she would be my girlfriend and she said yes so now we are boyfriend and girlfriend, that is why i have my arm around her waist , so does that answer your question?"

looking up , they all had their mouths open in shock , they couldn't believe that the other day i had been saying that Nixon had brutally raped me and now i was dating him. But in my head i wasn't dating him , i was protecting Dylan.

"Where's Dylan?" I tried to keep my voice as casual as i could , while trying to hide the worry that lay in it.   "well he is walking over her right now" Raven said with a bored expression in her voice.

It was so obvious that she  was trying to act cool around Nate , like she was grown up and everything ,she looked so nervous because he was stood right next to her , slightly leaning towards her so that their arms were touching , her face was bright red from this.

"DYLAN"  I screamed at the top of my voice , dumping my bag on the floor , sprinting towards him i launched my self in to his arms , he quickly wrapped his arms around my back supporting me so i didn't fall.

"Nice to see you to Skylar" I could hear the laugh in his voice as he said this

"I'm sorry Dylan , For what i put you through the other day , i'm just so happy that your at school today , and i'm so happy to see you"  "Hey listen Skylar , none of this is your fault OK , it is that pricks over there" He nodded his head over to where the rest of them were , all of them looking at me and Dylan , a slight look of anger was in Nixon's eyes.

Me and Dylan walked over to Raven and the rest of them , I could tell that Nixon was a little pissed that i had ran up to Dylan and basically thrown myself at him. But does he not understand that i actually love Dylan , and i hate him.

"So what lesson you in first babe?" Nixon's voice ended the awkward silence that had been lingering in the air. I looked at him , how could he act like this , like he actually cared , if he did care about me then he would of never raped me.

"Textiles" a slight hint of happiness in my voice when i said this , because textiles is one of the only lesson that i actually enjoy other than history.

"Well i'll walk you there"

"No it's OK you don't have to , i will walk with Raven because she is with me"

"I said i will walk you ,OK" He said this through gritted teeth , "Errm OK"

Nixon sat down on one of the old wooden benches , pulling me down with him so that i was on his lap , he wrapped his hands around my front resting one hand on each of my thighs.I sat there uncomfortably , i hated it , it felt so wrong touching him , everytime i did , i felt like when i got home i would need to take an hour long shower just to get him off my skin.

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