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"WHAT THE HELL!, 20 years together ,now you decide to say that you don't love each other ,to me that's pretty fucked up. You said that nothing could tear you apart and that you were meant to be together like it was fate" .

"Do you remember when you used to tell me that you would grow old and wrinkly together? , well what a load of bullshit that turned out to be".

"Skylar , just calm down will you, i know that this is heart breaking for you , i know that , but you just have to accept that me and your dad no longer love each other like we used to. Yes we will always love each other but it won't be the same as when we first met", My mums calm voice entered the air , trying to put and end to my on going rant.

The tears were streaming down my face, my pale cheeks turning red and blotchy , my breathing uneven from the news my mum had just told me. She had told me that after 20 long years her and my dad were no longer in love like they used to be. While she told me this my dad just sat there, not once looking me in the eye, or saying sorry or anything for that matter.

"So what do you both have some other lover?, bit on the side? ... eh , ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!" i yelled at the top of my lungs , not really caring if the neighbours could hear i just wanted answers ,now.

Their eyes went wide ,answering my question with their facial expression "oh i see now , so how long have you been with the slut then dad?"

"SKYLAR DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" his face had started to turn red his eyes popping out of his once calm and collected head.

"You may not like that me and your mum are splitting up , but not everything revolves around you.We can't work our lives and happiness based on how it will affect you,"

"Also yes me and you mum have both found new partners , who we both love dearly, and for your information Stacey is NOT a slut she is a beautiful woman who has a heart of gold and we have been together for just over 6 months".

I just stood there taking in everything that he was saying , after a few seconds i turned my head to look at my mum who was sat on one of the chairs in the living room looking at the floor.

"Sooooooo mum , who is this NEW  man you are seeing , is he fit? , do you think if i tried hard enough i could have a bit of him ?you know mother and daughter sharing time...."

"Right listen here Skylar you have to get it in to your head we are the adults and you are the child , you do as we say , we choose what we want to do and who we want to be with . Yes you are my daughter and i will always love you with all my heart , but you have to understand that I'm not just going to sit here and pretend to be in love with your dad when I'm not and i think he agrees with me on this , don't  you Charlie?".

I look over to where my dad has now placed himself and see him nod , a small, weak sorrow filled smile makes its way up on to his lips.

I turn back to my mum ,who has now made her way over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder."we know that it was going to be hard for you , but we thought that maybe you would be able to see it from our point of view you know?. Anyway as you know i am with someone and his name is Adam he is very charming and such a gentleman you would think he is some sort or machine because of how romantic he is and i have also been seeing him for around 6 months aswell".

"Errm please can i go out for a bit ? , i just need to think about it all , let it sink in" the lump in my throat growing bigger nearly chocking me. My mum nods and i head for the front door letting the wind hit my face and knock some sense it to me. 

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