Kiss and make up...erm NO!!

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Skylar's P.O.V

Everything between me and Nate have been great these last few weeks, he has been so caring , kind and every week he would buy me a rose which made me blush each time , this boy could not get any sweeter.

"Skylar come here!" Nate whined from the bed , i was stood up near the set of draws getting some clean clothes before i went for a shower.

"But i need a shower , I'm starting to smell"

"you smell all the time so it dosen't matter" He joked holding out his arms

Slowly i walked up to the bed jumping on it and making Nate groan out in  pain as my knee made contact with one of his ribs.

"Shit , sorry babe" I said with a guilty look on my face and rubbing the bit where my knee had smashed in to his rib.

"It's ok you can make it up to me now baby" He winked

"Really and what do you have in mind?" I ran my fingers down his bare chest , tracing my fingers on the inside of his waist band.

"I think you know what i have in mind"

"Yeah i do , but i want to hear you say it" I smirked at him

"I want you to make me c-"

"NATE , SKYLAR HURRY THE FUCK UP WERE GONNA BE LATE!!" Max practically screamed at us

Me and Nate rushed out of the bed pulling on our clothes , i guess my shower is out of the window I'm just gonna have to layer on the deodorant and hope for the best , i didn't actually smell but i never managed to get a shower last night and this morning i feel dirty.

I was quite happy that it was a mufty day because i had somehow ripped my pants , so i would have to sew them tonight.

We grabbed our bags and sprinted out the door.

"Right guys you can calm down , were not gonna be late i just said that because i didn't want to hear you two at it like rabbits and i couldn't be bothered waiting for Skylar to take her sweet time getting ready this morning" Max said chuckling to himself

I stopped dead in my tracks glaring at Max ,"What!" I said through gritted teeth

"You made me miss my shower , so that you didn't have to wait" I started slowly moving towards Max

"Errm yeah , funny isn't it ha ha ha" He laughed nervously

"Max would you miss your dick?" I looked at him innocently

"Yes very much , why?"

"Because , the next time you make me miss my shower you'll be waking up without it and don't for one minute think that i'm joking because I'm not" I quickly turned on my heel to see all the boys just stood there not daring to say anything ,

I grabbed Nate's hand and started walking to school , feeling my anger slowly fade away as Nate rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.

We arrived at school in around 10 minutes , the boys trailing behind me and Nate whispering to one another , i turned around to face them looking at Max , i felt so guilty that i had threatened Max like that for no reason. I let go of Nate's hand and lunged forwards at Max throwing myself at him.

"Maxy I'm so , so, so sorry , please forgive me for being a major bitch to you before , i will never be a bitch again" I felt Max's chest rumbling as he laughed quietly.

"It's ok Skylar i don't mind when your angry , your hot" Max winked at me

"DUDE!" Nate said slapping Max on the back of the head

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