Consequences and the guilt ridden kiss

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I was now sat in the headmaster's office, fuming , they had to physically pull me away from Nixon because i had carried on kicking him his his ribs. Once they had torn me off of him they brought me here to the headmster's office , which is where Dylan was brought.

We were both sat next to each other , in the chairs opposite Headmaster Batford , he was glaring down at us both.

"You two do not even know the depth of trouble you are in , you are going to be punished for a very very long time. You nearly killed Nixon out in that classroom!" His words were fierce and full of anger. "Shame we didn't" I heard Dylan mutter under his breath.

"Have you got something to say Dylan?" Mr Batford's voice was strict and annoyed. "No sir" Dylan whispered his apology.

"Sooo Skylar , what do you have to say for nearly killing Nixon" , I looked up at Sir , how could he not know why me and Dylan nearly killed Nixon his he fucking stupid , or does he secretly have a crush on Nixon.

"WHY , WHY , I'M SORRY SIR ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING DID YOU NOT HEAR HOW NIXON RAPED ME ..... TWICE, AND THAT HE PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE RIGHT HERE IN SCHOOL!!!!" My voice was raised , Sir looked at me , he had never seen me like this before in my whole life , i had never really been that bad that i had got sent to him and i was in year 11 my last year , so for all the 5 years i had been here i had never once been sent to the head.

"Yes Skylar , i know all about Nixon raping you , but you had no right to nearly kill him"

"I actually can't believe you Sir , what kind of messed up head teacher are you , you let a dirty messed up rapist back in to your school where there are year 7's , who are only 11 years old, Oh and don't worry i wouldn't of killed Nixon because then he wouldn't be able to suffer. But you just think about this , the bruises ,the  scars ,the  broken bones can all be fixed and the blood can be washed away for Nixon , but i am the one who is left destroyed , i'm the one left feeling like a dirty, worthless whore , i'm the one left with all the emotional , internal scars , i'm too afraid to let anyone touch me , i can't even let Dylan touch me , that is how bad he has damaged me". I felt a warm tear run down my face dripping on to my school jumper.

I ran out of the office , i could hear Dylan shouting my name , one of the male PE teachers had somehow appeared from nowhere and was holding him back , preventing him from following me.

I didn't know where i was going , i just ran and ran , letting my feet take me where ever they wanted. My vision was all blurred from the tears that were still falling from my eye's. Then boom , i crashed into something , tumbling to the floor , screaming out in pain as the back of my head made contact with the cold , hard tiled floor.

"Fuck , i'm so sorry Skylar" I had heard that voice somewhere before , but i couldn't put a name or face to it until i looked up and saw who it belonged to.

"It's ok Chase , i'm fine i just need to go" . As i got up from the floor and started to make my way out of school , i felt a tight grip on my wrist , my head shot round to see Chase with a worried look on his face.

"Skylar wait , what are you doing?"

"Chase please , just let me go , i need to get out of here!" "Skylar if you go , then i am coming with you" I could tell that he meant it his voice was stern.

I could feel the tears start to run down my face again , i have never cried so much in my whole life than what i have done in these last few days. "Listen i have my car OK , i'm gonna take you somewhere quiet where we can talk OK" His voice was comforting and kind.

I nodded , i couldn't say anything my throat was tight from trying to keep all the tears in. We walked to his car in silence , dodging all of the PCSO's and the teachers , we managed to get pass them all without getting caught. I slid in to the passengers seat in Chase's car , i buckled my seat belt as he made his way round to his side of the car and getting in himself.

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