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⚠︎ Nasty Time ⚠︎

He'd ever told one person, or rather, one group fully about his predicament. They knew everything, more than his teacher knew.

He stood there for a moment before knocking quietly on the door. Four short raps. The door opened, bells clanging together loudly. Purote shrunk in on himself, nervous. He gripped the wad of cash in his pocket, trying to calm his rapid heartbeat. It was okay. If it didn't work out, it wouldn't matter, but he's at least trying.

"Fuck you want? Your mommie want some fun?" Purote shook his head, bowing deeply

"I need protection. I can pay" He offered the cash, and it was ripped from his hands, He kept his gaze down, as per the usual rules. Don't look at higher ups. And since he was coming to them, they were the highers

"Shit kid, look up and stop bowin', we ain't no saints" A new voice said lazily. He straightened and looked up enough to see their torso's. He stood there, watching the two visible men count the money, the first one then handed the cash to the second to recount before addressing Purote.

"Fuck are we protectin' you from? Bullies?"

He hesitated for as long as he could before clenching his shirt in his hand "My– My mom"

"The hell?"

"I don't like pain, I– I– don't like the men touching me, using me. Can– Can you stop it?"

"Life's dealt you a shitty hand kid" a new, third voice said from behind him, he jumped, spinning.

"Obviously"  He grumbled. A hand grabbed his chin, making him look up at their faces, his face twisted in fear, "S–Sorry!"

"Shut up" a hand whacked him and he went silent. This was a mistake. Why did he think he could get help?

"Don't fucking hit 'im!" Purote wanted to go back to the cabinet. At least no one was there, though it was getting tight

"Alright kid, I'll split you a deal. You come back here five weeks in a row and we'll protect ya for life. Deal?"

"Deal" he shook on it. They kept the money.


The first week was easy, they made him a delivery boy. A drug delivery boy. He would be lying if he said he didn't stop the few people who smacked his butt. If they were happy, then they'd protect him, regardless of how he felt. The second came with more butt smacking and a bit of groping. More deliveries. He didn't mind too much.

Purote was getting uncomfortable by the third week. the touching was happening more and more, and they started calling him names. Names like baby boy, sweetcheeks, and cutie. It didn't stop him though. He did as told. "Only two more" he told himself whenever he got time. "Only two"

The second to last week was when he started to look forward to the long deliveries. The groping had gotten worse, and the sexual comments made them sound like his previous renters. He stayed strong, only one more week. The only time they were really nice to him was when they patched his wounds from Mother, allowing him to take a few sips of their sake to stop the pain. He liked them then.

The final day was upon him and he was excited. He was almost done! So close!

He hadn't been able to see the Kayama's at all, he missed them.

"Hey baby boy," One of the gang greeted him. He smiled as best he could "You're not on deliveries this last day" He was confused, and it showed. a hand from behind rubbed his butt. He shivered, this was gross. What did they want him to do if it wasn't delivering?

"You've got a nice body, baby" He didn't like where this was going. A frustrated groan confirmed his thought. He really didn't like where this was going.

"God I bet you he's tight" A man's voice ran through the room. He didn't understand, he was a villain. Why did so many people want him?

"Fuuuck" A groan sounded in his ears as hands roamed his body, going under his bloodstained shirt. Is this what they wanted? They led him on for his body? All people are the same. Evil tainted villains. He whined, eyes turning glossy.

"Don't worry baby, it'll start feelin' real good" The sound of a zipper unzipping made the tears fall. He didn't want this. His pants were pulled down, shirt following suit.

Calloused, rough hands rubbed against his skin and he started crying.

"Shut it, you're so noisy"

He tried so, so hard to stop it. But his small body was being jerked around in a way that only caused pain. Rough thrusts into him caused his cries to turn to screams. "Stop!" he cried, "Stop!" But they kept going. He was in so much anguish that he didn't notice the sprays of hot sticky liquids oh his face and chest. Mixing with his tears and even making its way into its mouth. He didn't notice, salty tears and the salty liquid tasting the same.

When the first guy finished, he was swapped out with another. The torture continued until he was covered in blood and semen. He was left on the floor, tears still rolling down until he finally passed out, misery cut short by darkness.

When he woke, though, it was from pain again. Someone was hunching over him, doing something painful . He whined, unable to make much sound with such a raw throat. The person looked up at him and frowned.

"I'd offer a drink but you can't move or I'll mess up." they offered as explanation their voice on the feminine side. He laid there, whining and moaning until he was allowed to move again. And when he did, his pain spiked.

"No more" he whimpered

"Sorry kid" the same voice from the first meeting called, footsteps echoing across the floor Purote laid on. He turned to the man he'd come to know was Boss. The man held a sake and helped him sit up to drink the burning liquid. He took large gulps, knowing by now that it would soothe his pain. After he did that, he gazed at the mark on his naval, it was a green coloured bat. A jade bat. He was now one of them, forever under their protection.

"You pass"

As soon as he could withstand the pain, he ran out, running as fast as his body would allow towards the Kayama's. He was holding his pants up as he ran, he didn't stop until he could see their house. In his panic, he ran right up to their door and knocked. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and he slumped down on the wall near the door. The sake he'd drank was wearing off after the long duration of the adrenaline forced run. Everything hurt, but he didn't let himself cry. Especially in such an open place. He sat there for a long time, yet no one came. They probably weren't even home. The longer he sat there, the more he took stock of himself. , there was blood on his pants, and sticky stuff on his bare chest. He'd left his shirt. He searched for where the person from before was doing and came across a tattoo. A green bat. Lay on his naval, just below his belly button with its fangs exposed. It hurt. Everything did.

"Purote!" He jerked his head up, the kid who lived in the yellowy tan house was running at him, they were older than him, and would be starting high school next year. He slumped further, eyes half closing when he confirmed it was no threat.

"Purote, don't sleep! Come on!" He could feel himself being lifted before he finally passed back out. Everything hurt.

He passed. Passed what?

Word Count: 1329

As a note: its an animal bat, not the weapon/sport tool. I'm a shit describer obviously. 

((Grammar and Spelling fixed))

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