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It wasn't often that Katsuki was this confused but he truly didn't understand what he teacher was talking about.

"Passed what?"

"Shouta wanted to see if he could leave you to keep the place and yourself safe"

"Fuck did you think I was? Deku?" He addressed Aizawa.

"I just wanted to be sure" His teacher responded, vague as ever, making Katsuki sigh. The old woman laughed, brightening the atmosphere. Katsuki liked her laugh, it felt like he'd known her all his life and he didn't know her name yet.

"Anyways I've got to take my bread out of the oven, tata dear neighbors" The woman practically skipped out.

"That's Ms. Tanaka, she's the door across the hall" Aizawa explained.


"I see you've acquainted yourself with my cats" He could hear the amusement in the man's voice and looked around. Koko was on his feet, Mikan was in his arms. He couldn't see Kiniro until the weight he hadn't noticed on his head moved.

"Uh... you could say that" He grinned

"Katsuki" His teacher turned serious, making his grin fade. "Go sit I'll be with you in a second" He followed without question, moving back to the living room and sitting on the couch, Koko placing himself in Katsuki's lap next to Kiniro. He ran his fingers down the fluffy cat's back, rubbing behind the ears. He could hear his teacher putting away the groceries. Should he be worried? Finally, the coffee addict returned and took a seat on the armchair diagonal from Katsuki. He didn't like the look on the man's face.

"Katsuki. Are you safe?" His breath caught in his throat. Safe?

"Sometimes" He answered honestly. He was safe when his father was there. When Mother's friends came over. When he was in Yuuei. When he was left on the floor to hurt. "But it's okay" Because he was a villain, right?

"It's not okay"

"She always said I was a villain. And– And I believed her for a long time. I'm not too sure, but I want to be a hero. I wanna save others who're punished like me"

"How're you punished?"

"Uh, she mostly just hits me, sometimes with knives, but that's– that's only if I make her real mad, and uh, being locked in the bathroom. She– she used to rent me out but" He gave a weak smile, "I put a stop to that"

"Do you want to stay here every weekend?" Katsuki wanted to cry.

"Why?" His teacher remained quiet "Why? You're a hero"

"And so are you"

"I'm dirty"

"Katsuki, Monoma didn't make you dirty" He shook his head. Monoma didn't make him dirty, he already was. 

"I've done nasty things" He whispered out. 

"Then you–"

"They– They wouldn't stop. It hurts. It hurts, 'Zawa"

A warm hug engulfed him when his teacher moved to the couch, both careful of the Koko, the others having jumped down after this conversation had started.

"Katsuki I promise, I won't let that ever happen again. You're so strong, a true hero. Thank you for trusting me with this"

"I told your damn cats, why's this so fucking hard?" Katsuki gave a choked laugh, but it sounded more like a sob. He buried himself in his teacher, wishing to stay like this forever. He wanted to stay safe. He pulled away, about to ruin the relationship he had with the man.

" I– I'm– I'm under the protection of– of the Jade Bats" He was starting to sound like the damn Deku with all of his stuttering. Aizawa looked surprised.

"The Jade Bats? The gang around Block 19?"

"Yeah, I paid them to protect me. I didn't have enough so they cut a deal"

"What... kind of deal?"

"I was supposed to work for them for five weeks. I was a drug runner. But... the last day, they– they didn't want me to deliver anything. They...they..." He cut himself off, trying to stop the tears from falling

"Oh Katsuki" He was once again pulled closer to the man. He cried, letting the emotions take over. Breath hitching and body shaking. He really thought Aizawa wouldn't want him anymore. Why was this man so kind to him? Why did his teacher keep saving him? He was a villain. A horrible, horrible villain that hurts people and curses all the time.

"Why?" He cried "Why's it always me?"

His teacher rubbed his back.

Katsuki felt safe with his teacher. Making this man the second 'person' he's ever told almost everything to.

Word Count: 773

((Short but I already wrote most of the next one it's over 1k))

((Grammar and Spelling fixed))

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