Chapter 17: Everything is Going According to Plan

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~Shuichi's POV~

We made our way looking for anything that could hint where DICE was. Kokichi suddenly stopped in front of a room.

"We might find something in here," he stated, pointing at a sign on the door.

The sign read "Undo Brainwash Room. SLAVES DON'T ENTER!"

"Well, is the door unlocked?" I asked.

He shrugged and fiddled with the doorknob. By some miracle the door opened. I walked in first as Kokichi followed. He closed the door behind us.

The room was just filled with file cabinets and a few misshapen chairs in the back. We decided to split up and look at the cabinets. One of them had a drawing of a clown mask. One half of the mask was completely pink, while the other half was normal.

"Kokichi, I think I found it," I called.

He walked over and looked at the file. He froze when he saw the drawing, then immediately shook it off. Kokichi then sighed as he took out a hair clip. He started picking the lock on the cabinet. It opened and the only things inside were five syringes. Each of them had a name on it.

"You take half, I'll take the other," Kokichi ordered.

I nodded and took two of them. Kokichi took the other three.

"Now we should find everyone else," I stated.

We both left the room. We decided to go in different directions. Before he left I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He blushed and waved as he ran away.

"Wait Kokichi," I called.

"Yes, beloved?" He asked.

I took off my hat and handed it to him. He took it confused.

"Tonight we can switch hats darling," I said.

He blushed and took off his hat. He handed it to me and I took it. He was wearing his Phantom Thief outfit while I wore my pinstriped jacket. I put the hat on. He put mine on and he looked so cute in it. I blushed and tried to cover it with the hat, but failed miserably. Kokichi laughed and ran down the hallway. I walked around. I looked at the syringes I grabbed. The names on them were Yoshiko Chinen and Satoshi Akechi. Good thing before we got here Kokichi described each DICE member to me. I walked around looking for the people who fit his descriptions. I turned around a corner and saw a girl with pigtails running down the hall.

"Yoshiko Chinen," I called.

She stopped in her tracks. I ran over to her and stabbed the syringe into her neck. She closed her eyes for a second then opened them immediately.

"Oh you're the detective Boss loves soooo much," she said.

Well, I guess she's back to normal. That's good.


"Just call me Yoshiko," she interrupted me.

"Yoshiko, have you seen Satoshi Akechi anywhere?" I questioned.

She nodded and grabbed my hand.

"I'll take you to him!"

She led me down the hallway. The walls were all brown. Occasionally you would see a black door leading to some unknown room.

Yoshiko opened one of those and motioned for me to walk in first. I did that and looked around. The room was completely pitch black. I saw a single small light turn on. Satoshi stepped into the light. Yoshiko tackled him and I inserted the syringe into his neck. He blinked then rolled his eyes.

"Yoshiko, get your grimy self off me," he commanded.

"Awww fine," Yoshiko pouted.

She got up and so did Satoshi. He spotted me and smiled for a split second before turning back to a serious expression.

"Greetings detective. Is Boss with you somewhere?" He asked.

"We split up, but I should probably go find him to make sure he's ok," I replied.

As if on cue my phone started ringing. I scooped it out of my pocket and saw Kokichi was calling me. I quickly answered.

"Shuichi, I'm in a bit of a tight situation," he said.

"What exactly do you mean by that Kokichi?" I asked.

"Well currently Shota handcuffed me to a chair. Maeko is just glaring at me. Also, cumslut has one of her inventions pointed at me. Whenever I say something, all they respond with is, 'Akamatsu said to restrain or kill you if we saw you.' So, yeah ya mind giving me a little help here?"

"Where are you?"

"This place called the interrogation room."

"Alright, I'm on my way."

I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket.

Satoshi, Yoshiko, and I all made our way to the interrogation room.

We walked inside and were met with Miu Iruma, Shota Fujinaka, and Maeko Inoue. Miu ran towards us, but Yoshiko tackled her and took the syringe from the table and stabbed it into her neck.

"Get off me bitch," Miu yelled.

"Geez, everyone's so mean today," Yoshiko wined standing up.

Miu got up as well. Maeko was approaching Yoshiko, but I took the other syringe and stabbed her neck. Satoshi quickly grabbed the last syringe and inserted it into Shota's neck.

"Now that everyone's back to normal, mind helping me out Shumai?" Kokichi said.

I nodded and unhandcuffed him.

"Wait did you and Pooichi fuck ye-"

"Skank, no, we're only dating, baby steps," Kokichi interrupted.


My face was bright red from embarrassment. I sighed. Let's hope Kuzuryu and Pekoyama were able to distract Kaede.

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