11. lançamento

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"Run, run, lost boy, they say to me,
Away from all of reality,
Neverland is home to lost boys like me,
And lost boys like me are free."
Ruth B, Lost Boy ☯


"Hmm, honestly, I don't see the big deal about Nutella. It's like overrated peanut butter. It's not very good." Ashton snickered, and I quite frankly had never felt more betrayed by anyone in my entire life.

"I'm going to ignore everything you just said." I replied dryly. "If I don't, I might have to kick you out."

"Oh, whatever." he scoffed. "Anyways, next question. Play any instruments?"

I propped my head up on my arm against my pillow, looking over at Ashton who was seated cross-legged at the end of my bed curled up in a pair of my sweatpants and a Ramones t-shirt.

"I play guitar and I sing." I said after a moment. "And before my mum died, she'd play the piano for me all the time, so I took lessons after school every week to surprise her, but I haven't played since I was twelve."

Ashton smiled very condescendingly at me. "That's adorable."

"Shut up." I scoffed. "What about you?"

"I play drums. I only ever played at school in the music room, though. So I haven't played in a few months." he said, and I could only imagine someone as angry as Ashton playing the drums. I couldn't say I was surprised.

I smiled at him in response.

"Favorite movie?"

"Peter Pan." he said, with little to no hesitation and I couldn't help but think that that was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. Because at first glance, he was this angry, scary, sad boy who'd fuck up anyone who looked at him wrong. But look a little closer, and with his little curls and dimples and his stupid giggle, Ashton Irwin was basically Peter Pan in the flesh.

"Peter Pan?" I snickered. "Why?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. When I was little, I prayed every night that Peter Pan would come take me away to Neverland. I always thought it'd be so much better than here."

And although that was the most heartbreakingly sad thing I think I'd ever heard, it was also unbearably cute and I was 98% sure that he was going to be the death of me.

I sat up from my position on the bed and scooted down towards, picking up one of his hands and fiddling with his fingers. "I'll take you to Neverland one day."

He smiled down at our hands very fondly. "That'd be a dream come true."

"One day." I smiled.

"One day." he assured.

And I noticed that Ashton's eyes were more of a gold color tonight, and it made my skin tingle that his eyes weren't so sad today. Because Ashton Irwin had sad eyes and I just wanted to punch whoever turned his eyes to glass right in the face.

"I told Dad that, when I was eight." he said, kind of absentmindedly. "He crushed out a cigarette on my arm and told me I was stupid."

And I couldn't help it when I moved forward and wrapped my arms around him and pulled his legs over my lap, and just fell backwards with him tangled together with me, because everything about him seemed to just seep darkness from the edges and I just wanted to help clean up the mess.

So I was laid out across my bed with Ashton on top of me giggling very gently and quietly, while I buried my nose in his neck. "You're my Peter Pan."

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