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                                                                     CHAPTER 1

 I walk down the lifeless trainstation. Climbing up onto the rail I sit on the edge staring out at the horizon, Taking my camera out I set it to go off every few seconds.

As my camera flashes, taking a photo of the golden sun set and the dark  violet pink clouds hovering above it, I hear a voice in the distance.

"Where's my money!" I turn around to see an awful scene commencing, while still holding my finger down on flash.

 I begin walking closer, not knowing what to do when the hooded man repeats "Where's my money!?"

The woman he is facing whimpers as she kneels down with her face in her palms. I watch the man draw a gun from his jacket pocket my heart stops and my blood runs cold as the woman begans to cry louder. I watched as she started to crawl backwards while bawling. "I-I don't know."

"Last chance." The hooded states.

"I..I really dont know please believe me.." crys  the woman.

"Then say goodbye." he says, pressing the gun harder against her head.

The sound of the gunshot echoes in the empty train station and sends a shudder of fear through my body. My jaw drops as I see her body fall to the floor as if in slow motion. She lands with a thud and I watch in horror as a pool of blood surrounds her body.

"Bitch," the man says in a heavy hispanic accent.

He puts his gun in back into his pocket, I try my best to be silent as I slowly move my hand off of the button on the camera and lower myself off of the rail beginning to tiptoe. sliding my camera around my neck I glance back at his hooded figure. I watch in pure shock as he picks up the lifeless body grunting as he throws it over his shoulder. 

Trying to walk away while staring in his direction I slip on a rock my back slams into the ground and all of the wind is knocked out of me. I get up quickly trying to run away when I feel something hard being pressed up against my head.

"Don't move."

Those two words make me freeze I watch him worridly as he continues to speak."What did you see?" I start to fiddle with the string on my camera turning my head around slowly meeting the gun straight on.

"I saw nothing..'

I look at his shoulder, the body is gone laying lifelessly next to him. Out of nowhere his hand comes up moving my dark blond hair and brushing it behind my ear.

"Your a pretty one you know?" He says coming closer to me lowering the gun slightly.

I don't answer his question, and he drops the gun down by his side leaving it lying on the ground. He then lunges at me and grabbing my head forcing me down to the ground while Snatching my camera off of my neck. The string on it almost choking me.

I watch as he  turns it on carelessly, he looks at the film of pictures, clip by clip seeing the sunset, to the unknown women getting shot in the head.

He drops the camera on the ground his knees on the side of my thighs.

"You know I should kill you right now... But I'm going to have a little fun".

I struggle to get from under him but he grabs a handful of my hair and brings his eyes to mine. I'm mute as his golden blue eyes stare lustfully at me. I start to scream struggling from underneath him. One of his hands fly up to my mouth trying to silence my screams, He starts to unbutton my pants with his right hand and begins pulling them down slowly.

"AHH-" I say as he presses his hand harder against my mouth I take this chance and bite down  on his hand

He shouts as  I struggle to move, forcing myself to my knees and quickly grabbing my camera while trying pulling my pants up. I feel the guns cold steel press against the back of my head.

"Move.. and I'll shoot" he says pulling his hood down.

I look over at him seeing his face  fully for the first time. Knowing that, that wasn't a good thing I dart my eyes away from his face deciding to run but I take only a few steps before I hear a loud bang. I stand still in shock feeling nothing at first but then the burning sensation comes. Falling to the ground with a rush of pain shooting through my arm. The camera drops and rolls a few feet away. I feel him coming up behind me pinning me too the ground as If I am unresistable.

"Just stay still and you won't get hurt more then what you already will."

He gets on his knees pulling back down my pants. I knew what was going to happen and I didn't want it to.

__ _ _ __  _ _ _ _

Streams of tears fall down my face as this unknown stranger pounded into me groaning in pleasure. My face smashes into the ground my pants around my ankles.

"Stop! please" I said attempting to get him off of me. My eyes widen in horror as he groans even louder, my pain gave him pleasure.

"Get off. " I say trying to push him his hand flys up to my mouth as he pounds harder.

I wiggle my feet feriously as I attempt to kick him anywhere I watch in victory as my  foot hits him straight on in the stomach. He groans in pain, his pants fall fully down to his ankles. I start to crawl away when he pounces on me shoving my hands behind my back while putting his weight on me it's not long before I feel him restart.


I  try to move but my whole lower body is in pain he took something that mattered to me..Something i'd never be able to get back.

"Now that was fun" he says kicking me in my side. I groan in pain as he walks farther away from me.

I try to talk but I am in such shock that I can't, I mumble tears still streaming down my face.

"Lightin up I could of just killed you". He says grabbing my head and smashing it into the ground.

I see darkness coming  into my vision in out like a light bulb flickering I know that I am about to pass out when I hear the faintest whisper in my ear.

"I'll be keeping tabs on you.. I might be back for more.. say anything to anybody and your dead".

"Oh and remember I know where you live." 

Before I fully pass out I feel my pants being pulled up and my camera being set by my side, the sound of him picking up the womans body, murmmuring vial things under his breath right before he throws her into the river bank.

My vision turns fully black as I pass out.


Hey guys if you like this please tell me so I will add more. :) 

 (edited a thousand times but there still seems to be. errors here and there. 8/16/12

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